October 22, 1982

170 3 0

TRIGGER WARNINGS: Brief language,

5 days. It had been five days since anyone had seen or heard from Robin Arellano. A neighbor had confirmed that they had seen him arrive home as they were leaving their house, but after that, it was anyone's guess what had happened. And everyone had the same guess: Robin Arellano had been kidnapped by the infamous, unknown Grabber. 

You weren't stupid. You had the same idea as everyone else. Of course, you couldn't bring yourself to ask about it. You knew that your speculations would either be denied or vaguely answered. The curious thing, though, was that nobody was in the basement. Al didn't go down, and neither did you. The only thing that you did know was that your friend, Robin, was dead. All you could do was mourn in silence. 

On this chilly morning, you were doing just that. You were sat at the table, looking down at your bowl of cereal. Al had been observing you from the kitchen, knowing, yet confused. He knew that you had your thoughts about Robin's strange disappearance, but didn't understand why you were so sad about it. Truthfully, he wanted you to forget about Robin. 

"Why don't you join a club?" He suggested. "Maybe you'll make some new friends, and it might distract you from... well, you know." 

It wasn't a bad idea. Clubs were definitely a good way to meet new people, but you didn't want to stop thinking about Robin. Nobody else was. There was no true investigation. A couple 'MISSING' posters had been posted about, but nothing else was being done. If you stopped thinking, then you were the same as everyone else. 

"Maybe," you glumly replied. "But I don't want to stop thinking. Nobody's looking for him. The least I can do is keep him in my thoughts." 

Uncle Al gave another breathy sigh. "It's in the hands of the law now. Eat your breakfast." 

You ate, knowing that the law had let Robin out of their grasp. 


You and Finney ate in silence at lunch. Although he wouldn't admit it, Finney was scared of the Grabber. It was as if he were the infamous Bloody Mary. Say his name enough, and he'll give you a visit. In the dark. While you were alone. And then nobody would see you ever again. 

"Uncle Al said I should join a club. I think I'll check out the news club. Do you want to come with?" You said. The silence was unbearable. 

"Can't. I have a dentist appointment." 

And that was that. You would check out the club by yourself. Not knowing anyone in there. One of your friends was dead, the other was busy, hell. Hell, even Vance was dead. Those were the only three people you had some form of relationship with. No acquaintances, no mortal enemies, nobody. You were about as accompanied as the late Max Shaw was at his funeral. 


Al wasn't the brightest man in the world. Dropped out of high school, worked as a welder at a sawmill, and was partially illiterate. All this considered, he wasn't right very often. He was right, however, about making friends. 

Olivia Ferens was a junior at your school who specialized in the true crime section of the weekly school paper. She had taken a liking to you immediately. Not only was she a true crime connoisseur, but she had an inhuman amount of empathy.  

"You know, I feel really bad for Robin. You know, the boy who just went missing? You know why I don't think anyone's looking for him? Because he was a fighter. I think the police think that since he's so strong, he can defend himself. They don't need to do anything. But you know, there's nothing they can do. It was definitely The Grabber. He probably took a liking to him, studied his routine, and took him when he was completely isolated. If my theories about the grabber are right, he lives within a five-mile radius of the school. What do you think?" Her hands flew wildly about a map of Denver, sticking pins at all the prominent locations in the Mysterious Case of The Grabber. The school, Robin's house, the arcade Vance Hopper played pinball at, every known location. 

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