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Inicial Notes :

Hey Hey Guys! I'm here to thank you for the views in my last chapters! Thank you, thank you really much!

And the other thing is I'm so sorry for the picture of this chapter. I couldn't find any good pictures for that.

Thank you once again!

(And guys, this chapter wasn't as good as I wanted it to be, I think I'll rewrite it.)


It's been three months since I arrived at the camp, everyone welcomed me very well and was very kind

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It's been three months since I arrived at the camp, everyone welcomed me very well and was very kind.Although, not everyone trusted me 100%, including Daryl, he still kept an eye on me, about a supposed ambush or something, but I always tried to appear to be a reliable and helpful person; And surprisingly, I had made friends, like Glenn and Dale. Glenn was like a little brother to me, while Dale was like the best father anyone could ask for, he always knew how to put my head in order when it got out of hand.

And I had also discovered out that Shane was fucking Lori, which didn't surprise me as much as it should have. They always seemed...too close.

So today, Glenn, Andrea, Dwight and Merle, had gone out to look for supplies and it had been hours since their last call on walkie-talkie. And Daryl, as always, had gone hunting, I had begged to go with him, but it seemed like he was in a bad mood, more than usual so, I stopped insisting the second time.

Then, I was responsible for monitoring the radio and making sure everyone was okay, but I still hadn't received any calls from Glenn.

My ears were glued to the speaker, completely attentive to the noise and static.

"Anything Victoria?" Dale asks, looking at me from above the trailer.

"No...nothing" I turned my head slightly, making a negative sign with it.

Then the radio makes a noise, like it's scratching a tape. My face again turns to the walkie-talkie, firmly placing my ear over it.
"Hey? Hey? Anyone on the other side? Glenn?" I take a deep breath, rubbing my forehead with worry.


After hours, and my consideration of going after them increasing . Glenn arrives with a Ferrari on alarm.

I quickly got up from the log I had been sitting on for hours, running towards Glenn.
"What happened ?!" I open the car door, pulling him out and hugging him.

He returned the hug, before jumping back and breathing heavily. "The store we were in was invaded by zombies" He said.

Shane comes running to meet us and immediately opens the hood of the Ferrari. "Shit man, this is going to attract the zombies here" He moves some wires and soon the alarm noise stops

"Where are the others?" My eyes scanned around the open field and trees, and stopped at a white van parked on the ramp.

Andrea gets out of the trunk of the van and runs past me until she reaches even Amy, her sister.

Dwight also gets out and goes to the trailer.

"How did you guys get back?" I ask with an air of concern and anxiety.

"It was a new guy, he managed to get us out of there" Glenn responds, standing next to me again.

Then a white man, who looked to be about forty-two years old, got out of the van, wearing a sheriff's hat and sheriff's uniform.

My eyes narrow, analyzing the man's form as he walked towards us.

Lori and Carl look at each other, and run towards the man, who holds them in his arms tightly and affectionately.

My eyes snap out of their previous position, widening perceptibly for a moment, trying to understand what was happening, how they knew the new man who had just arrived.

Later that day, we were sitting from the bonfire , the "sheriff" had explained himself and by a fucking coincidence, he was Lori's husband and Carl's father, which surprised me because of Lori's hiding relationship with Shane, who also didn't seem as happy as he should have with his best friend's arrival.

My eyes narrowed at the sheriff's figure curiously, wanting answers about him. Well, I was probably acting the same way that people when I arrived at camp three months ago.

"Desolated, that's the best way I could describe myself when I woke up in that hospital." Rick he said, squeezing his wife's shoulders.

Shane's eyes burn on Rick's hands as they make the affectionate gesture of holding the brunette's woman shoulders.

"Words may be insufficient" I head towards Rick.

"But they don't say everything" Dale completes my sentence with the one he himself had taught me.

Then Rick sighs and his eyes meet mine.

"It was as if I had been taken from my life and placed in another reality" Rick says.

"We all went" I said, doing the same thing, meeting his gaze before turning my face slightly away. "Well, it's not like I care but, where's Merle?" I cross my arms with a furrowed brow.

"We had to leave him there, there were some setbacks" The sheriff said, once again, looking at me.

We all looked at each other with wide eyes until I started laughing.

"Wow, Daryl is going to be furious...he's going to want to wipe you out" I rub away the tears of amusement that fell from my eyes after multiple laughs.


The night had passed peaceful and calm, with no suspicious noises or grunts from walkers.

The morning arrived bright and I was as always, the first to wake up at camp. I leave my tent, walking to the trailer slowly and smoothly, push the door of the large beige vehicle and stealthily take a shotgun from the side table.

I close the same door I opened before gently; I walk through the trees looking for signs of fruits or an unsuspecting squirrels, my hands move some twigs and leaves, picking their small blueberries and blackberries from thickets, putting them in a bowl.

As time passes, I hear a scream coming from the opposite direction, my only reaction was to run towards the call. My boots made heavy noises against the branches on the ground, so I quickly , see Carl screaming in front of a dead deer being eaten by a walker.

I push Carl away with one arm, placing him behind me. I grab the barrel of the shotgun and hit the walker square in the head, making him fall to the ground and then turn around to attack me, which doesn't happen because the others arrive and start attacking the walker, with heavy blows to the entire rotten body.

"It's the first one to arrive here" I placed my hands on my hips before turning to check on Carl. "Are you well?" I kneel down at the youngest's height, smiling in a gentle and affectionate way.

The boy just shakes his head and returns the smile.

"We thought it was impossible for one of them to get here" Dale said and turns to me.

"Food is getting scarce, and they are migrating" Jim replied, rubbing the three prongs of the rake against his pants.

We all fell silent, before strange noises came from the trees, their leaves rustling together.

Shane points his shotgun everywhere, his eyes narrowing carefully .

Then, before he can even fire, Daryl comes out of the trees, wielding his crossbow.
Which made us all jump and sigh in relief afterwards.


Sorry again for the number of words! 🥲

Kisses! see you soon guys ❤️!

Vermelho Escarlate (𝔻𝕒𝕣𝕪𝕝 𝔻𝕚𝕩𝕠𝕟 𝕋𝕎𝔻)Where stories live. Discover now