3:20 am

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I'm running along an endless hallway, able to see only a couple of steps ahead of me, touching desperately the walls trying to find a door or a window to scape.
But scape from what ? What was that behind me , in front of me and above me ? I can only describe it as dark...  Energy. A condemned soul that wants to drag me to the pits of hell, its envolping me , trapping me, not letting me take more steps ( will I be able to reach the end? ) ,the pressure is like nothing I've experienced before but I have to keep moving .I think I'll make it.

Let me go , what do you want from me ?! ... WHY WHY did I listen to them " nothing will happen it's just a cardboard game " they laughed at me for watching everything from the corner "it's me i'm moving it" said my friend later to the group but he lied, I felt it in my stomach , soon the others saw it too when most of the candles went out and one of the girls was forced to read  "is my turn now" with a shaky voice, right after everything turned black.

I didn't plan this , leave me alone ! I wasn't even playing .

I had never heard before the sound of breaking bones , blood spilling on the floor and those last sighs bodies let out before dying... now those sounds are everything I hear, repeating in my head as an infinite loop. I have to get out ! Where is the fucking door ?! "HELP HELP ME!!" but who will help me ? They are not here anymore , he , that thing killed them.

I take one last step before getting crushed against the floor.
Laying on my back I bring my hands to my chest, my neck, anxiously scratching myself, gasping for air, kicking my legs out with all the force I have left... But I'm losing, it's possessing me.

I open my eyes and my mouth wanting to scream and above me I see a face that I could only  describe as an angel?... How ? blonde hair, greenish tender eyes and rose blushed skin with plump almost cherry lips. My guardian angel is here to save me

I try to touch his face with my finger tips - ah he doesn't seem real- forgetting for a moment that I was just struggling to breath but who needs to breathe when I have him, he is my air my warmth ...When my fingertips finally reach to his beautiful face I feel his icy cold skin, it hurts. That brings me back. I blink once and the angelical face is now gone.

I'm staring at the bottomless dark holes where his dreamy eyes were, his before rosy skin now looks dead white and cracked, his lips thin and black draw a devilish smile and his black long hair falls around my face ,it feels like thorns. He was not an angel. His hands are squeezing my neck, his full weight on my torso, no air is getting into my lungs anymore, he feels it and his sick smile gets wider turning into laughter. I'm feeling so cold is unbereable now ,I can't keep fighting ,I don't have more strength in me to do it...Defeated my arms fall, my last breath comes out like a choked sobbing as my open eyes water, I feel my body shake uncontrollably and then -finally- everything turned black.

I wake up coughing violently  with my cellphone on my nightstand going off. The alarm! thank god It was just a dream. I get up with my phone still ringing in the backround ,  the sound is the swetest melody ever played for my ears now. " ahhh I need some air " so I open my windows ready to take in a deep breath and feel the morning sun... But is still dark outside, what time is it ?

I walk back to my phone that is still ringing and see the time: 3:30 am That's weird.

After turning the alarm off I look around my dark room and the hairs on my neck stand up ,the silence is so heavy now, trying to ignore it I move towards the door to go to the kitchen for a glass of water and before touching the doorknob that sensation again, like a knot in my stomach. I open the door regardless and step out 

The hallway

Quickly I try to go back to my room but my room is no longer there.That demonic laughter is echoing the walls,thundering my ears ."This is not real no no no.. wake up " I repeat like a mantra with my eyes shut close , the room is getting frezzing cold, I can feel it behind me , it's time to run ... "somebody out there please wake me up ! "

3:20 AMWhere stories live. Discover now