Chapter 8: Journey Begins With Flying

Start from the beginning

Katsuki grabbed the backpack and took out a bread ration then a small thick slices of cheese. He split the bread ration in half and then looked at me. Debating something. "How are you with heights?" He asks, all late with this question. "I've ridden plenty of rollercoasters with my sister at amusement parks. I am pretty good with heights." I said proudly. Makoto always dragged me when she was little. I used to be scared before. I am immune at this point because of her adrenaline-sugar-rush child antics. Those antics finally came in handy. Thank you, my crackhead of a sister.

I expected him to give me a simple response. I got none of that. The dragon demon was staring at me with a blank face. "Rollercoaster? Amusement Park? The fuck are either of those things?" It hit me like a school bus. Those things don't fucking exist here! Of course he would be confused! "They are these rides that go super fast. In twists and turns. Upside down and backward. They are super high sometimes." Neither my explanation nor the motion of my hand gestures did any justice to help him envision what I was saying.

"Hold on," I pulled out my phone from my back pocket "Lets see if it video works on my phone . . . Aha! It works!" I was happy it worked. It allowed me to pull up a video from YouTube to let him see what I was talking about. My phone battery seemed to be infinite considering how much I used its flashlight last night. Yesterday made it clear that my phone was the most precious item in this world to me . . . If only it let me call or send a damn SOS text. It can do everything except that! Like come the fuck on!!

Katsuki put the rations away when I came over with my phone. He flinched seeing the video and looked behind the phone to see how the fuck I was even doing this. "You said your world didn't have magic. This is . . . what did you call it . . . oh right - video is clearly magic. Some ancient magic." He stared at the screen before tapping it a bunch of times. To give an easy description of how he looked: he looked like a cat pawing at something their curious about. "This is not magic. It's just technology." I said then swat his hand "Stop tapping it. Let it play." I earned a side glare before he looked at the video. A video of a rollercoaster ride.

I showed a couple more and when I glanced over at him he was entranced. 'Now who looks like an idiot now.' I kept that comment in my thoughts. "Anyways," I turned my phone off and slipped it back into my back pocket. "Why were you asking?" I had to yank the two of us back to focus. Katsuki cleared his throat, "Because we are going to fly most of the way and then walk the rest to Willow Valley." He went back to the backpack and took out the split bread rations he had earlier. "I wanted to know before I gave you bread for breakfast. I don't want you to throw up on me while we are in the air." He expressed disgust as he held up the bread.

Kastuki had every right to ask that question. Jirou got thrown up on once during a rollercoaster ride by some kid 2 years ago. It was a disgusting, horrifying, and unforgettable experience for her. She is still petty to this day about that kid.

"I will be fine." I reassured him and took the bread. I took a bite of the bread before he could say any more. He gave a heavy sigh and sat on the made bed. "We leave in 10. So eat up. We won't eat anything else until we make it to Willow Valley." He tossed me a cheese slice which I caught, by some miracle, and we ate in - oddly enough - comfortable silence.


I Made A Deal With A  Dragon From Another World (Fantasy Bakugo × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now