3‣ 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙛𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙖𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧

Depuis le début

it was stupid, purely foolish but good heavens did it always make the previously-blond boy giggle like a child. He would run across the room just to keep his oath and the vision of him coming to him, wrapping his arms around his body broke him down as he sat afront the fridge and cried. His woeful shenanigans lasted about thirty minutes as he stole some ice cream which was right next to him since he was sitting in front of the ajar fridge, feasted on it, and cried before he realized he had to get up and shower

and now that he stands in front of his mirror, stripped, the idea of last night lights in his mind like a hessian torch in a cave and illuminates all of the things that had cascaded. A faint bubble gum pink spreads across his freckled cheeks when he bites his lip to prevent himself from smiling only to groan at the friction, realizing afterward that the stranger had tormented even his silken lips. A few minutes pass, Felix's fingers graze every bite mark, every hickey and bruise languidly as he let his mind wander and recalls everything the stranger had done to make him feel as good as he did

his fingertips had only stopped running past his soft but now-bruised skin when he saw two large handprints on his hips, the sight makes his heartbeat stutter as his smile falls only for an excited glint to enter his eyes, he drops his hands and places them away from the mark he had earlier been tracing on his collarbones, hovering his hands in the air before he places them on either side of his hips, right above where the handprints had been and the results of how small his hands were compared to the stranger, how the man's hands nearly covered the entirety of his hips line while his just sat there makes him feel fuzzy

he doesn't know why he likes that idea but he's quickly ashamed by paying such attention to useless facts that he shakes his head and walks toward the shower using the counter for support because the pain is yet to subside. He makes a mental note to eat a painkiller. The noise of his shower curtain shuffling away is overpowered by the sound of a voice yelling in his living room "Felix! Are you home?!" he can tell who it is, Seungmin, his close friend. A sigh withers his lips as he hears footsteps reaching his bedroom 

"I'm showering, Seung! Be out in a minute"

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"So the stranger—whose name you never cared enough to ask—did all of this?" Seungmin's tone was judgmental, and so was the brow he had propped upward as he eyed Felix up and down with distastefulness written all over his face. Felix rolled his eyes, sipped the tea Seungmin had been nice enough to make for him as he pulled his legs up on the couch they were sitting on "Yes, it was a one-night stand, you know, how normal people do it" Felix taunts with his lips still attached to the cup's edge so his voice comes out muffled

Seungmin sighs, sips on his coffee as he crosses one of his legs over the other and relaxes backward, his body tilted so he can face Felix "What if he was a serial killer? a psychopath? what if he had abducted you and--" Felix groans loudly, cutting Seungmin off in his speech "Jesus Christ, Seung! He was a handsome fella who I was attracted to, he found me attractive too so we fucked and that's it. I'm alive now, aren't I?" Felix raises both of his brows and Seungmin licks his lips "Still, Lix--" yet again the man is cut off 

"I actually would've liked that you know, if he had killed me at least this suffering would end" Felix looks down at his lap with a frown and Seungmin immediately drops his shit of trying to warn him about all the madmen who roam Seoul city "Lixie, don't say that, you'll be okay" he tries to assure the man who's already blinking away tears, doing his best to stop this plague-like feeling from rising in his chest "I don't know, man" He chuckles, voice soft "Doesn't seem like I'll be" he raises a hand to wipe away the tears, looking away from Seungmin because he knows he looks pathetic and he feels like it too

"Need a hug?" his friend sets away his coffee and looks at Felix who does the same with much courage, a fond smile rising on his lips as he nods and sets away his tea as well. Seungmin immediately inches toward him and wraps his arms around the boy "Careful with the neck, Seung, I don't know what he did but it stings like shit" Felix mumbles and Seingmin mockingly retches "Fucking gross" the blue-haired laughs and for a few minutes, they sit on the couch like that in complete silence, neither of them speaking. 

𝐄𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐦; 𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐱Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant