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Barth shoved the paper into Augustus' chest. The force knocks Augustus back a few steps until he lands against the door.

Your father is a thief, Barth spits. Just because he needs money, doesn't mean he can steal it.

Augustus still wasn't sure how Barth had found out that Augustus' father had been embezzling money from Barth's family's company. He knew that Barth was expected to help out in the business when he was home over breaks, he just didn't realise he had so much responsibility in checking the accounts.

Augustus knew that Barth had always been smart, Augustus just believed his father had been smarter. Smarter at hiding what he had been doing.

I don't know what you're talking about, Gus had said, a bead of sweat trickling down his back.

Augustus hadn't always known about his father's wrongdoings. A few summers ago, their family were on the brink of bankruptcy and he'd overheard an argument between his parents. That's when he learnt the terrible truth, but it was his family and he wouldn't tell a soul.

Did you know about this? Barth had asked.

When Augustus couldn't answer or look his best friend in the eye, Barth knew.

Augustus pauses now, turning towards his window. He wonders again what Barth must have felt when he fell. Only this time, he wonders if he felt the anger coursing through Augustus' arms as he had shoved at him.

How could you? Barth shouted.

How could I? How about all the money we lost because of your father? He's the one who told my father about that stupid investment, Augustus snarled.

He never told your father to invest everything, Barth replied. It isn't his fault he didn't know how to manage his money. My father gave him the job at his company anyway. That was to help you all out, not so he could start embezzling.

Does your father know? Augustus asked.

Not yet, but he will.

At the moment, Augustus had felt that his secret was more important than any friendship. He knew that he needed to protect his family, or they would lose everything.

Despite feeling this way, Augustus had never meant for anything to happen to his dear friend, Bartholomew Fitzgerald. In fact, he had relied on him, needed him. They had known each other their whole lives. They were bound together.

It was merely to scare him but Augustus didn't know his own strength. He could not believe it when Barth toppled from the window, unable to grasp onto the ledge as he fell.

Augustus felt the sudden reality of what he had truly done. The note sat crumpled in his hands. Dropping it to the floor, Augustus realized that the ink had transferred onto his hands. It covered his skin, blotchy and dark.

He felt the cold breeze from his window and wondered when he had opened it. He was unsure why he ever would. It usually stayed shut tight, even in the dead of summer.

What Augustus didn't know was that if he turned towards his door now, he might have seen the eye peeking into his room through the keyhole. He might have found the identity of the culprit who had written the note. He might have finally understood why he felt like he was always being watched.

But he didn't. He stares at the ink on his hands rubbing them on his slacks in hopes of removing the colour. It just spreads, ruining his pants. He begins to cry. Not even his perfect grades couldn't save him now.

For Augustus' secrets had finally caught him.

If you liked the darkness, obsession and secrets of Fairmoore, Saltburn proclaims these ideas through the mastered art of filmmaking. The deceit and mystery projected by its elusive plot and eccentric characters will keep you wanting more. It is a film not to be missed, arriving on Prime Video Australia on December 22nd, 2023!

Make sure you check it out at the link below:


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