"I could show you better than I could tell you." Nia winked as she slid a short glass to him. She poured the chardonnay she had opened earlier for herself and guided him outside to the small seating area on her balcony.

Once in the warm night, Nia delicately placed her glass on the coffee table before turning her body towards Colin who was nursing his drink.

"It really is nice out." Colin said softly.

"Yeah, this weather is giving tropics. I would love to be on the beach right now." Nia inhaled the fresh air lightly peppered with the smells of the city, feeling it settle into her skin as a sticky dew of sweat. She moved her hair currently clinging to the back of her neck to fall over her shoulder.

"Mhmm. I think we all need a vacation after the last few years."

"Do you have any planned?"

"Nah, my family has occupied all of my vacation time this year."

"That's sweet." Nia slightly moved her knees so they touched him. A breeze blew around them and she watched his body go rigid as he sat up straighter to put his drink down.

"Is everything okay?" She asked genuinely concerned. This hadn't been the Colin she'd come to know in a few hours. This one was curt, a bit cold and estranged compared to the warm, lively one she'd spent the evening with.

"Yeah, but shamefully, I was hoping it would be breezy and you'd have a reason to cuddle up next to me. I've been trying to think of a way to hold you again since that kiss."

Nia placed her hand on the back of Colin's head and ran her fingertips across the bristles of his short fade. She drew him close to her and softly grazed her lips over his. "Like this." 

Colin relaxed in his seat and kissed Nia back with a hunger that made her curse her long restrictive dress; though stretchy, there simply wasn't enough room to straddle his lap the way she really wanted to. She was grateful its thin fabric allowed her to feel his hand with a certain closeness as it ran down the side of her body, firmly pressing her weight onto him. She let her fingertips glide down his warm and buttery skin and slip into his shirt.

Like she had hit a switch, Colin slowed their kiss down to its end.

"Nia, there's something you should know."

"Do you have an STD or STI?"

"No... I actually haven't had sex in months."

"Good, this should be fun then." She leaned in again, readying to kiss him again until he said,

"Nia, I lied to you."

"About what?"

"My ex and the love languages thing."

"Oh, you fabricated the 'gay' bit? I thought it was a bit too theatrical to be real."

"No, that actually happened."

"Oh. Well, what part did you lie about then?" Nia froze in place, her hands glued around his neck, their faces inches apart. Colin did the same, his arms firmly cradled around her even when he exhaled sharply and his expression darkened.

"It was lying by omission. What I told you was all true. I left out the fact that I cheated on her for months after that conversation in order to get what I needed. What our relationship lacked. What she wouldn't do for me. I know that doesn't make it right and I'm not that person anymore, but you should know because you deserve to know. If we end up seeing each other seriously, I don't want you to hear about it in the streets because–"

Nia placed a finger to his lips.

"I wish you hadn't said that. I value directness too much."

"Wait, what?"

The List that Lead the Logical Nia Birch to Fall in LoveМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя