Humans Treatment in the Netherworld

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He looked down slightly. "Right..."

Ameri stood up. "That aside! I'm going to have you make up for all the time we missed our readings!" She smiled. 

He smiled back. "Sure."

In the chapter of First Love Memories, Aozora Kakeru slammed his hand on the wall slightly above Hoshino Rin's head, almost falling if he had not done so. They stared at each other as their hearts were beating. 

"Squee!" Ameri cutely reacted. "Wh-What are these palpitations I'm feeling?" She turned away with her hand on her chest. 

"A-Are you alright?" He asked.

"There's no need to worry. More importantly, continue reading..." She looked upon seeing a familiar man walking outside. 'That's...'

"Is something wrong?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I just saw someone I know. Let me go have a chat with them." She walked to the door. "Sorry about this, Iruma." She apologized and left the room. 'What is Father doing here?' She wondered.

What is Hayami doing? Currently, she was wrestling with Sabnock. He let out a rebel yell while running towards her and then she quickly grappled with him. As soon as their hands clashed, the earth under them cracked. The two were grunting as they held their own against each other.

"You never disappoint thee, my rival!" He smirked. "This will with becoming stronger."

"Ah, is that so? be of help." She said. There were some students around cheering on this fight. It wasn't exactly a fight per se as like the two were going at it with anger-filled punches and kicks. 

"Something tells me..." His veins were notably shown on his muscles. "That thou has not shown thy greatest strength. Art thou holding against thee?"

Her eyes widened a little then narrowed again. "Are you trying to read-" She paused upon feeling a stare and then looked around, feeling some sort of eyes on her. Now, students are watching them but not those eyes she was referring to. A stare that felt like judging and observing, almost studying her.

"You're open!" He attempted to grab her, but she was quick to grab his other hand and flipped him onto his back as he groaned then laughed. "How amusing."

She chuckled a little and then sighed. "We'll catch up." She said as the students were disappointed that they couldn't continue seeing their fight. It was getting so good too. 

"That was so awesome!"

"Do you see how strong they are? They even made large cracks on the ground from the force alone!"

"They're beasts!"

"A Beauty and a Beast?"

Hayami walked away and then stopped upon seeing the man. "Huh?  It's you again."

"You're Hayami-chan?" He said while looking down at her. 

"Yes, I am..." Hayami arms were loose on her side then she realized something. This man looked somewhat familiar to her, not like she knew him personally, but he looked like someone she knew. 'He looks like her...could they be related possibly?'

Iruma walked while in his thoughts.  'It's rare for Ameri-san to seem in such a hurry.' He stopped and then placed his finger on his chin. 'She said she saw someone she knew, but I who it was...'

He felt heavy pressure from behind that made him quiver and turned to notice this man. "You're Iruma-kun, aren't you? I need to speak with you."


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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