[11] Devestation.

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Me and Changewing are walking down the cave when we suddenly hear roars up ahead and... dragon blasts? Me and Changewing immediately meet eyes, and both nod as we rush towards the commotion. We arrive in the largest part of the cave, with a lot of open space to house most of the dragons. There we see blood, dead dragons, alive dragons, and Toothless.
TOOTHLESS: Bow, or die.
He hasn't noticed us yet.
CHANGEWING: "We need to get Luna..."
RAZORWHIP: "I'm not running away again, not letting anyone else die!"
I immediately roar and charge at Toothless. He turns around, but not quick enough. I'm able to shoot a fireball right at his chest from very close range. He gets knocked back, and his chest seems wounded, but then his scales glow blue and he... regenerates?!
He teleports in front of me.
TOOTHLESS: "Goodbye."


I immediately fly to all the shots and roars to see Toothless and Razorwhip. Before I can say anything, Toothless punches through RAZORWHIP'S chest and grabs her heart as he throws it down at the ground.
I see Changewing next to me, and as she begins to run towards Toothless and our dead friend I stop her in her tracks.
LUNA: "Evacuate the dragons."
I growl at her.
She growls back, but then flies and starts getting them out of our cave. Toothless turns to me.
LUNA: "Don't 'hey' me you Monster."
TOOTHLESS: "Aw, I thought you would like my new color."
His scales glow blue.
TOOTHLESS: "Maybe you need a better look."
He flies at me. I duck as he slams into rocks behind me. I quickly turn and fire multiple small plasma blasts which he dodges.
He's moving much quicker than I last fought him...
I keep shooting until he's close, then I jump above him, shooting a powerful plasma blast right above him. He teleports out of the way and a hole opens up where I shot. He laughs mockingly.
TOOTHLESS: "Is that it?"
LUNA: "I got more than that coming to you."
Most of the dragons are evacuated.
..Whoever's left, anyways.
We stare each other down, but then the young Skrill that I only got to train for a little bit decides to bite Toothless's neck from behind.
Toothless immediately whacks him with his tail as he turns around.
TOOTHLESS: "How cute, was this your secret weapon against me, Luna?"
I roar at Toothless.
LUNA: "Stay away from him!"
SKRILL: "I'm not scared of him!"
TOOTHLESS: "You will be."
Out of nowhere, Changewing flies in and slams into Toothless's side. Toothless gets pushed away from us, he angrily stomps at the ground as he stares at all three of us. We all stand up and group up, staring him down.
TOOTHLESS: "I guess you can feel confident, you're gonna last 30 more seconds than you would've alone."
He slowly moves forward, allowing us to move and form a triangle around him.
LUNA: "Your move, Monster."
TOOTHLESS: "My pleasure."
He suddenly turns around and shoots a plasma blast at the Skrill, who without any experience isn't able to dodge it and gets hit, falling to the ground. Changewing and I both go on the attack, as she shoots fireballs one side im shooting plasma blasts on the other. Toothless just keeps dodging them all though, until he sneakily shoots a very small plasma blast that Change couldn't see in time. She collapses and growls. Toothless turns to me.
TOOTHLESS: "32 seconds, good job."
Before he gets to shoot, the Skrill gets up and channels lightening as it strikes through the cave from above. It's incredibly strong to be able to, and genuinely impressed me. ...But Toothless easily steps to the side.
He swiftly turns around but then he falls, why? I don't have a clue.
TOOTHLESS: "I... WILL obey."
It seems like he's... talking to himself? It doesn't matter to us, we take the moment of confusion seeing that the rest of the survivors are gone to leave and escape. All three of us fly close together as we get out of the cave, not ever looking back.


Me, the Changewing, and the Queen hunker down in a small hole we found in the ground.
SKRILL: "So, what's our game plan?"
LUNA takes a deep breath, clearly stressed about the situation.
LUNA: "Well, all of our dragons are scattered across The Hidden World, likely with no groups bigger than 10, and we have no more safe locations to hideout in anymore."
SKRILL: "Then what CAN we do?"
LUNA: "Our best bet is to rush your training. You were able to provide a very strong lightening strike, but you don't know how to control it well."
CHANGEWING: "Where do I come in?"
Luna looks surprised.
LUNA: "You WANT to be involved?"
CHANGEWING: "For Razor."
Luna nods then speaks again,
LUNA: "You'll get us supplies, each day I'll tell you what we need. Be careful though, Toothless is still out there."
Change nods and Luna turns back to me.
LUNA: "Rest for now, we resume our training early tomorrow morning."
I nod and we all spread out, laying down in our respective corners and falling asleep.

Until I Found You [2]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat