He laughs quietly at that, but he soon sucks the sharp sound back down his throat when he finds the tent his little dhi’ke-de is in.

And it isn’t her own...

He moves slowly and silently closer, eyes locked on her and even in his outrage, he just can’t seem to look away as he watches her move over the younger male ooman. Both of them are panting heavily, and he stops when he finds himself looming over their darkened tent.

“Fuck, so good, Naru! SO fucking good!” The male ooman squeals like a little dying frog.

“Yeah?” His little dhi’ke-de breathes heavily, bouncing on top and keeping her palms flat against his chest for support.

She’s obviously beautiful in all things she does, he thinks as he watches her with a wide and intense glare.

“F-Fuck, y-yes! You’re beautiful...”

The male ooman is already getting on his last nerve, and thankfully, his little dhi’ke-de seems to think so, too, because she slaps a hand over his mouth and scolds him softly with, “Shut up. Just fuck me.”

He almost chuckles as the male ooman stares up at her wide eyed with shock for a moment before stumbling through his words like an infant, “I... O-OK...”

He grits his teeth in pure outrage again, almost letting a loudly possessive snarl loose as the male ooman suddenly grabs her roughly at the hips and shoves her onto her stomach before pounding his tiny cock back into her.

“Yes!” She hisses desperately, “Fuck, yes, right there, hurry up! Yessss...”


No, he won’t let this go.

But he will let his poor little dhi’ke-de take her pleasure first...

(Before he shows her what real pleasure is...)

He blinks the thought away, backing slowly away and retreating back into the shadows.

For now...

He waits, patiently, because he’s focused on something other than the way his little dhi’ke-de sets his insides alight at just the thought of her.

He must be going crazy, surely.

He doesn’t ever remember any other hish-qu-ten he’s ever known to be quite so enthralled with their mate.

Mates are important to his people.

But code and honour is politics and religion to them. If it weren’t, his already unruly kind would surely be the destruction of the universe itself.

It’s not long (predictably) before he spots his little dhi’ke-de huffing her way out of the tent with a less than pleased look on her face. He would feel happier about that if he wasn’t so annoyed himself for her obvious disappointment.

Though, he doesn’t hold back the quiet snarl he gives to the darkness as the male ooman suddenly comes out of his tent with an overly proud grin sprawled across his stupid little face.

He watches the male ooman walk through the camp site before swiftly following him into the woods. He’s stalking after him, only pausing when the ooman does. Then, finally, while the ooman is turning towards a nearby tree to take a piss, he marches straight up to the ooman without warning.

He stops, and before the ooman even has time to hear his heavy footfalls, he lifts his arm and plunges the twin blades on his wrist right into the back of the ooman’s neck. He listens to the muted gurgles, twisting the blades and lodging them against the top of his spine before yanking his head and entire spine free.

Come From Way Above [Feral Predator&Naru]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu