Chapter Six

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look. people were happy to see phil arrive

so I disappeared for 2 weeks and returned with *round of applause* PHIL POV

I honestly have such mixed feelings for his character in this but well,,,, you'll see

enjoy :DDDD tws are: syringes, manipulation, the same amount of darkness as previous chapters


Phil, throughout the years, had faced many interesting cases.

Or, perhaps, interesting was the wrong word. More like malicious, incomprehensibly painful and brutal cases that left him staring at the ceiling every night instead of sleeping; bandaging claw marks around his wrist instead of calling his sons; leaving his family behind instead of guiding them through the nightmare that was the Agency. Cases full of abuse and neglect; desperate, starved actions that had even more dire consequences. Cases of the worst of the worst, yet the worst of the worst circumstances right alongside it.

Cases that, if left unattended, had the potential to rip the entire city in half.

After all, villains were deadly. It was one of the first things they were taught in the training classes: when it came to the violent, it was killed or be killed. Never grant them mercy, as they will grant you none in return. It was a harsh system, but as the years went by, it was only in his early thirties that Philza began to realize the truth of the words.

"We have a new kid. Somewhere mid-teens, if I'd have to guess, but has fuck-all control of telekinesis," Niki read from the file, lips pursed with frustration as her eyes scanned the bruised image of the detainee. "Apparently, he nearly took out an entire hospital when his sister died, so we sent in a few low ranks to detain him. They say he has a history of violence and got passed around the foster system pretty frequently, but none of the parents knew that he had any abilities. Either he hid them, or they lied."

Phil hummed in vague curiosity as they stepped through the halls. His long wings dragged on the floor behind him, the tips catching the un-swept layers of dust and coating the black feathers in a layer of grey. It had been ages since they'd been preened; after all, he only trusted his family to be gentle enough with the easily-damageable limbs, and Wilbur had been busy with his newest assignment for Gods-know how long.

It sucked, to say the least. Not just the lack of preening, but Phil felt a hole in his heart growing everyday with the distance from his apprentice.

Especially when it came to cases like this.

"This is the third...incident this month," he noted gently, inclining his head to a group of guards as they swiftly walked down the hall. Nobody else paid them much attention, each passing group infatuated with their own personal missions. Even Niki seemed absent while reading out the words, as though her mind was already clouded with an awaiting to-do list. But, she still managed to debrief him while checking both her phone and Agency-issued watch all the while.

As was increasingly obvious, this time of year always brought out the worst in the Department Heads, and, as always, the workers were suffering because of it. The chill in the air did little to brighten the mood, especially with the bleak but numbing topic at hand.

But Niki, if stressed, didn't dare let it show. Her bubblegum pink hair was swiftly tied into a bun on the nape of her neck, a few artful strands curtaining the sides of her face, even as she continuously had to brush them out of her face while reading. The Director of Vigilantism, as always, was nothing but professional–even if it were to a damning extent.

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