+~How they would react if you abstracted~+

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This is my first time writing on mobile (usually I'd write on PC) so don't AT me if things are different

Alrighty here we are, the feels may hit in the heart so beware ;-;

-She doesn't know much about abstracting other than it's a really bad thing
-When she first heard someone abstracted, she didn't think of it as much until she realized is was you that just gave up
-Poor girl couldn't take it, she just lost it
-She watches as Caine is about send you to the cellar along with everyone one else that had become the glitchy monsters
-Not able to take it, she would suddenly scream at Caine to not send you down there, even though he needs to
-Caine goes ahead and does it anyway
-Someone like Ragatha would need to hold her down from Pomni absolutely destroying Caine, even though he was just doing his job
-Pomni would just continuesly cry and scream [This hurts my heart ;-;]
-After her moment, she would lock herself in her room and rarely come out
-She'd be so depressed as you were the only one she would look forward to seeing everyday

-Like Pomni, hearing someone abstracted didn't seem surprising at first
-"Oh yeah it seems normal nowadays"
-He did the usual and send your glitched body down into the cellar and continue his day
-For some reason he felt 'off' doing that, but tried to shake it off
-He only found out it was you that abstracted when he went to go check on you in your room
-When he found out, oh boy, he didn't take it too well
-He would start panicking like crazy
-As soon as he found out, he immediately teleported to the cellar to find your abstracted being, it wouldn't take too long as he just knew which one was you
-After having a crying, shouting and panic attack episode he had to continue with his day
-He would absolutely REFUSE to draw a red Cross over your bedroom door
-You abstracting would make him more scared about being alone
-Occasionally he would bring flowers or anything nice to your door and leave them there
-Sometimes he'd even lay resting his back on your door, relieving memories of being with you
-Sometimes people like Pomni, Gangle and Kinger would find Caine laying by your door, crying
-They would try to comfort him and
tell him it's all okay [MY HEART 😭]

-He first found out you were abstracted from going to your bedroom
-A similar way of how he found Kaufmo abstracted in the pilot
-However we wouldn't run away, he would stand there too shocked to move or speak
-Your abstracted form would try to attack him as you didn't recognize him of course
-As much as he didn't want to, he would try to fetch Caine
-After eventually finding him, Caine did the usual and sent you down to the cellar
-It took Jax a good few minutes to realize that you were gone forever
-Not wanting others to see him be emotional, he would run to his room and just loose it
-He would stay in his room for days, refusing to do any adventures or even leave his room, the little bunny was too sad
-After a while, he started getting better, but he would never be his fully-healed cheery self
-He despised walking past your room, seeing the giant red cross on your picture would always remind him that your not there with him anymore
-He wouldn't like being sad around the others, so he would act normal around everyone
-But then when it came to Jax-time, the sadness and tears would kick in

-Similar to Pomni, she didn't know it was you that abstracted until she saw your abstracted form
-For some reason, she would just tell it was you
-After finding out, tears would start slipping out and she would drop to her knees and silently cry
-She couldn't comprehend that you were abstracted, not like this....
-After you were sent away in the cellar, Ragatha would just run to her bedroom or somewhere private to be alone
-Pomni would try to comfort her, but she needed alone time to process everything that had happened
-After that day, Ragatha wouldn't go to as many adventures as she usually would go to
-She would seem just so down in the dumps all the time
-At night, she could barely sleep, only thinking about you
-Poor girl lost the love of her life and couldn't let it go

-Gangle wouldn't be able to contain her emotions well
-Finding out that you abstracted was THE WORST thing she could ever find out
-She first came across you abstracted when she was casually walking down the hallway with the bedrooms
-Your bedroom door had been left open and your abstracted being had stepped outside of the room, not realizing Gangle was right there
-Gangle having the heart attack of her life realized that it was you that was the horrible glitched monster
-Not caring that were about to swipe/attack at her, she would just break down right then and there and cry to loudly
-Thankfully Jax was there to snap her out of it and get Caine to sort out the situation
-Gangle would be so traumatized the girl wouldn't leave her room at all and just cry in bed [I wanna just give Gangle a big ol' hug now]
-No matter how much comfort or encouragement she would get from the others, nothing was convincing her to leave her room and try to cheer up
-You were the only thing that made her confidently put on her comady mask with a smile, no matter if it was broken or not

-Now this one may be the most traumatic one out of all the characters
-Kinger had discovered you were abstracting from hearing weird noises in pain from your bedroom
-Of course being terrified and concerned that you were in trouble, he would carefully open the door
-He would see you laying on the floor, in the middle of the room, groaning in pain
-Nothing seemed physically wrong with you, well at first....
-As soon as Kinger went to go check on you, that's when it started happening
-You started abstracting right in front of his very two eyes
-Kinger couldn't do anything but watch in horror, seeing your body deform into a horrific monster
-He would definitely get Queenie memories from when she abstracted, but it wasnt as bad as seeing you deform in front of him
-After you fully turned into the glitchy thing, he started screaming and crying, not just because he was scared, but his digital heart started hurting
-"I don't want to loose you too!!"
-"WHY couldn't it be ME!!"
-After the incident, Kinger would just be so depressed
-No emotion, only sadness, and some shedded tears
-Every night he'd cry himself to sleep, knowing he lost another loved one
-The other characters would do anything to comfort him, even Caine!
-Knowing he was the most heart-broken, traumitised and terrified person out of all the characters

-Not much would happen with them
-Having someone they know and love abstract DID however hurt Zooble a lot
-Having your glitched monster-like figure be dragged down to the cellar with all the other abstracted characters DID hurt there digital heart
-Zooble would act totally normal around the others and would of course still try to join in adventures (when they felt like it)
-But when Zooble was having private time alone or just alone in the bedroom, small amounts tears would start streaming down there triangle-shaped head
-The poor person would be very heartbroken
-Every night, Zooble would just go to bed early and try to sleep off the sadness
-Half of the time, it wouldn't work and Zooble would just silently cry in there bed, wishing you never left them
-You were the only one Zooble actually liked talking to and hanging out
-As well as dearly loved.....

-Bubble wouldn't be too phased by it like the others would
-But still, he would be very hurt
-Caine would be Bubble's therapist and try to comfort him to the best of his abilities
-Bubble wouldn't do much difference to his everyday life, other than be slightly more sadder than usual and try to hide from the other characters more often

Kaufmo~ [Ooooo a new character to have fun with]
-Kaufmo would be the most guilty and hurt man in existance from you abstracting
-He would accidentally come across you mid-abstract, when he was going to check up on you know your room as you hadn't been doing too well
-He would be so saddened and shocked as ever seeing you abstract in front of him
-Once you were finished, Kaufmo would start yelling and crying, trying to get you to listen and recognize him
-This of course didn't work
-He would fetch Caine and he would finish up what was accidentally started
-Poor Kaufmo would feel so guilty as he kept thinking you abstracted because of him filling your head with 'exits'
-It wouldn't be too long after til he would abstract himself
-"Don't worry Y/n, I'll be able to see you again soon...."

Holy, almost 1,600 words, I got carried away sorta ;-;
Anyways, all abored the feels train, I hope you bought your tickets and tissues

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