First day of school.

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(Explanation ; Before this school Wukong had gone to a different school but he had very few friends, was bullied, and just tired of everyone's bs. He had told his mother he wanted to move schools. So she moved his schools now it's his friend day of his new school but he comes 2 weeks late since the school year had already started.)

No one's pov: A lady is now walking Wukong to his first class. He's very nervous and as a ani social, mad resting face, and not a morning person he was also in a TERRIBLE MOOD.

Wukong's pov : (in mind: GOD Ima kms I hate this sm I want my life to end already I'm so fucking scared)

No one's pov: "Alr, sweetie here's ur class!!" the lady says. She then leaves him and walks away. Wukong walks in the class and unfortunately it went quiet. The teacher nicely walked up to him and said "Class, this is Wukong he's the school's new student!" . Wukong was actually shaking but once the teacher stopped talking she pointed a seat and told him to sit there.

Wukong's pov: [in mind: Ok so I have to sit next to some tall kid in this class. This year is gon be hella long. ]

No one's pov: Wukong being a dumbass he falls asleep during class. Embarrassingly, he gets woken up by the teacher but lucky for him she didn't get mad but the class was nearly about to end so he packed up his stuff and waited till the bell rang.

Wukong's pov: [in mind: FINALLY. I don't wanna be in this class anymore. ]

No one's pov: As he walks out and finally comes to the place where the rest of the students r he gets surrounded right when he's outside. People r saying "HANG OUT WITH US" "WHAT'S UR NAME??" "DO U EVEN TALK" till he gets pulled by this one girl, let's call her robin. Robin pulls Wukong out of the crowd and holds his hand and says they r friends now cause Robin described Wukong as "cool" all cause he was wearing baggy pants and some black shirt. But I mean at least he got someone to hang out with.

Wukong's pov: Um ok?? So like what's ur name I didn't exactly get it.

Robin: OH! Right my name. My name's Robin and if u didn't realize ur in my first period and that means I already know ur's!!!

Wukong: Ah, alr so ig I just hang out with u all day.

No one's pov: At some point the break ended and he went to the rest of his classes till lunch and then the last 3.

Wukong: God today was fucking tiring. At least I made a few too many friends. Never gon tell them about my past tho since they really don't need to know.

AN: I was writing this last night but ended up knocking out 😞 so ya here it is and yes Robin and Wukong r best friends now but I will skip timelines a lot.

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