Chapter 43: Man, this is a great customer!

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Read After Being Fancied by a Necromancer ABFBN 43 RAW:
Cyril saw the numbers on the brass card with sharp eyes - all "9", he took a breath.

For a time, I felt the smell of Wu Jing rushed towards my face and patted it coldly on my face.

Brian saw Cyril's wide almond eyes staring at the card in his hand, he smiled slightly: "It's the card of Brian's mentor."

Cyril choked when he heard the words, and his heart suddenly choked.

Under what circumstances would a man let another man hold his bank card and let the other man control his wealth? !

In addition, he quickly remembered that Mr. Scott was uneasy because of his new S-rank apprentice...


Cyril felt that he had accidentally discovered a shocking secret, and his voice trembled slightly: "I understand, Mr. Scott, wish you a long life!"

Afterwards, he thought that he was now Mr. Scott's fellow disciple, so he subconsciously added a sentence, trying to explain: "I am not here to break up this family, I am here join in..."

But as soon as the words came out, Cyril felt that something was wrong?

He shut up.

Brian raised his eyebrows, and there was a flash of doubt in his eyes.

What was the little rose talking to herself just now?

Why doesn't he understand what the other party means?

Brian looked down at Cyril who had a very colorful expression for a while.

The expression on his fair little face changed, from dazed, shocked to suddenly realized, and finally his face was full of meaning "I understand, I understand".

Brian suddenly felt an inexplicable irritability in his heart, as if something was out of his control.

For a time, the turbulent destruction was about to burst like a flood.

If the little rose is peeled and boned now... It might be a little troublesome to hide the aftermath from the Wizarding League... Brian's mind changed.

He turned the ring on his finger and raised his eyelids carelessly, just in line with Cyril's gaze.

Cyril felt that his psychological endurance was superb!

He has digested this secret, and imagined the future that was arranged clearly after he entered the husband's shop

He will definitely work hard to be a little transparent who studies hard and will not disturb Mr. Scott and Dean Brian's romance!

Cyril raised his head to look at Mr. Scott, intending to apologize for the time he had just lost, and suddenly met his gaze.

No wonder he felt that there was an inexplicable familiarity between Mr. Scott and Dean Brian, which was probably the husband and wife.

Brian looked at Cyril's black and white eyes, his eyes were clear, his eyes flashed slightly, with a little loose interest.

Forget it, there will be many opportunities in the future, there is no need to do it now...

I don't know what to think, Brian hooked his lips, and the curvature of the corners of his mouth made people not suspect that he was in a cloudy mood at this time.

Immediately after, he took two steps closer and walked to Cyril.

Brian's slender fingers ran through Cyril's hair and twirled leisurely on his little curls.

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