Princess's Boyfriend 😜adds
lovestrucked homie 🥱

Princess's boyfriend 😜 adds #1hater

Princess's boyfriend 😜

Wait new gc why?

Princess's boyfriend 😜
How fucking dumb can you be?

Oh sorry! I dont speak bitchy

Lovestrucked homie 🥱

Mentally ill friend ☺️

Princess's Boyfriend 😜
Im sorry alejandro?? I cant hear your stupid ass all the way from here!!

Cuz people in stupidity island cant hear shit or see 😭😭🙏🙏🙏🥶🥶

Mentally ill friend ☺️
Funny i cackled

Wow im relevant

Princess's boyfriend 😜
Finally once in your life you are

At least once in my life i was, not once you were ever relevant in your life

Lovestrucked homie 🥱
Helloooo adriiii how r youuuu

Mentally ill friend ☺️
Been better 😀 currently packing my things

Princess's boyfriend 😜
Youre in Barcelona?

Mentally ill friend ☺️
Yea just collecting my things

Princess boyfriend 😜
We should all hang out like rn but like just us in the gc ☺️🙏

Lovestrucked homie 🥱
I cant...ive got a date with isla soon 😝

Me too i promised yamal i'd go to some car show with him

Princess's boyfriend 😜
Damn so adri you still down?

Mentally ill friend ☺️
I dont see why not 🤷🏻‍♀️

After packing and loading my things into the moving truck that would ship my things back to Monaco. I made my way to meet gavi. As soon as i arrived at the cafe gavi runs straight and hugs me.

"Im so glad you're okay." He says while hugging me.

I laughed a little. "Im more than okay gavi."

He smiles and we both made our way to the seats gavi had reserved and ordered some food to eat while we catch up. Gavi was telling me his whole life story which i loved when he shared them to me because it was like a little brother and sister bonding it was adorable. We would spill some drama between football and f1 which was pretty interesting since it was the end of the year where most drama would stir up alot. Well that lasted not long because my stupid self decided to ask about joão.

I coughed out a little. "How's joão?"

"Adri,why would you ask about him after what he did to you?" Gavi sighs.

mess it up. - joao felix Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu