Chapter 8: Blood and Revelations

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The three of you reached the academy and hear screaming.

"Look like it's started. Ryuko, ready to kick some ass?"

Ryuko: "Always."

Mako: "Good luck you two. I'm going to go check on my family. Have fun fighting with Aikuro and Tsumugu."

"Where are those guys anyway?"

A nudist beach transport truck arrived.

Ryuko: "Oh, there they are. Let's do this shit."

You and Ryuko are ejected into the academy with Aikuro and Tsumugo and sees Ragyo Kiryuin, along with Nui and the student council. You turn around and see hundreds of people covered in Life Fibers, showing it's begun.

Ryuko: "I'm putting an end to this, Satsuki Kiryuin! Turn everyone back to normal!"

Ragyo: "So, you're Ryuko Matoi. I see. And is that the Kamui Senketsu? The fruit of Isshin Matoi's last, futile efforts."

You were angered at the sight of Ragyo, knowing she's responsible for what happened to your brother.

"You! You're the reason my brother lost his sanity! The reason why he's dead!"

Ragyo looked at you and recognized him.

Ragyo: "Subject Y/N. It's been so long since we last saw each other. Project New Evolution was an interesting one as the life fibers you were created with are unique. Too bad it ended when the lost cause you called your brother went on a rampage and murdered most of the scientists."

A Punk and a Delinquent (Ryuko Matoi x Male Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu