Chpt 1

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Just a week ago I got hired into some shadow government called Cognito inc. because of my skills with convincing language? It's a long story.
I been helping out with a lot of stuff around the place but amidst the chaos, there's this guy who's managed to embed himself in my thoughts – Brett. Everyone thinks he's good looking not to say Gigi can be big competition, she dresses nice, her hair is long, and she had confidence! All the things I could never have.

It's the start of a new week, Monday morning, and here we are again destroying humanity. Ok maybe that was dramatic, but I've learned a lot about the government with the little time that I've been here and let's just say, it's not what we think it is. As I walked in this morning a passed by co workers waving at them and In the midst of it all, I spotted Brett, who seemed to give off a very enthusiastic energy as he waved to me from a distance. I stopped in my tracks and paused for a moment before waving back.
Then he began to walk up to me and my heart began to beat faster as my mind raced. I wanted to retreat, but I couldn't. I stood there, mustering a smile as he closed the gap, offering a friendly hug. I hugged him back.
"Nice to see you again y/n"

"Yea you too Brett."

"How was the weekend?"

"Pretty good got a lot of sleep"

"Sleep, huh? That's crucial! You know, I read somewhere that a well-rested mind is like a secret weapon against the forces of... well, our everyday chaos."

I chuckled, appreciating his light-hearted take on it.

"That's one way to put it. So, what about your weekend? Anything exciting?" I asked him

"Oh, you know, the usual. Foiled a few evil plans, uncovered some government secrets... I'm just kidding! I mostly binge-watched a new series and attempted to cook something other than instant noodles. Emphasis on 'attempted.'"
His laughter was infectious, and I found myself getting caught up in the easy flow of our conversation.

"Cooking adventures, huh? Brave move."

"Well, a superhero has to have a few culinary tricks up their sleeve, right? By the way, have I mentioned how your smile can brighten even the most covert of operations?"

His compliment caught me off guard, and I couldn't help but blush.

"Smooth, Brett. Very smooth."

"Just stating the truth! But seriously, Y/N, if you ever need a partner in crime for lunch or decoding mysterious office snacks, I'm your guy."

His playful tone added a refreshing dynamic to the otherwise secretive atmosphere of Cognito Inc.

We arrived to the office where Gigi, Andre, Glenn and Myc all sat at the table while Reagan spoke to everyone who wasn't listening.
"Look who finally arrived" Gigi said giving me a glare.
Brett pulled my chair out for me and as I took my seat, Gigi's disapproving glance lingered, but Brett's playful charm seemed undeterred.

"Took your sweet time, didn't you?" Gigi said

I offered a half-smile, opting not to engage in the brewing tension. Meanwhile, Brett smoothly pulled out the chair next to mine as he sat down beside me.

"Well, you know, fashionably late and all that. Can't rush the entrance." Brett responded

I couldn't help but chuckle, appreciating Brett's ability to diffuse the tension with humor. As Reagan continued discussing something about the latest mission, Brett leaned in, his tone low.

"Ignore Gigi. She's just upset because she can't appreciate the finer things in life, like a well-timed entrance."

I shot him a grateful look, amused by his effortless way of navigating office dynamics. The meeting continued, but Brett kept the atmosphere light with his witty comments and occasional nudges, creating a small bubble of shared amusement in the otherwise serious discussion.

Reagan finally wrapped up, and as we dispersed, Gigi shot me a warning glance. Brett, seemingly unfazed, steered me towards the break room.
Brett's playful demeanor continued to captivate as we stood in the break room, surrounded by the hum of the vending machines.

"You know, Y/N, I think a well-timed entrance is an art form, but there's another art I've been dying to master."

I arched an eyebrow, intrigued by the mysterious tone in his voice.

"And what art form might that be, Brett?" I asked
Brett's grin widened, and he gently touched my arm as he came closer sending a subtle shiver down my spine.

"The delicate dance of getting to know someone."

His words hung in the air, creating an intimate bubble in the midst of the office hustle.

"Getting to know someone is an art form?"

"It could be. It's about solving the mystery, one conversation at a time."

As our eyes locked, I couldn't help but feel a magnetic pull, as if there were secrets waiting to be shared between us.

"So, Y/N, what's the most intriguing thing about you that the ordinary world doesn't get to see?"

His question was laced with curiosity and a hint of flirtation, inviting me to reveal more than just the surface.

"Well, I guess you'll have to stick around to find out."
Brett's laughter echoed in the break room, and for a moment, it felt like the enigmatic world of Cognito Inc. was momentarily forgotten, replaced by the allure of a shared connection.

"Cmon you can trust me." He looked into my eyes as his fingers traced patterns on my arm.

"We should get to work. We got a lot to do today." I said escaping his touch and going for the door.

"Yea, of course. Uhm- lunch..later?" He called out

"Yea, sure."

I left the room feeling a little guilty, why did I leave him like that. Whatever that was the least of my worries.

I walked into the computer office and bumped into Reagan as she was leaving the office.

"Where were you?"

"Uhh bathroom break, sorry."

"You're fine, you don't have to apologize, I was just looking for you to ask how long would it take for you to find those files so we can get some dirt on the atlantians.

"Uhhh not too long?"

"Hopefully, JR is on my ass today."

"I'm sorry to hear that"

"Mmhm" she said as she walked away.

I assumed the mess with the atlantians had something to do with JR and I wasn't sure what exactly they were looking for but Reagan did mention that we have to find dirt on them. Assumed JR pissed them off or something and can't find a way to fix it so he's making it worse.

I sat down at the on of the computers, logged in and got to work. Every file we ever owned about the atlantians. The computer office felt like a maze of digital information as I started the seemingly endless task of sifting through files on the Atlantians. The hum of servers and the clicking of keys provided a monotonous backdrop to the mission at hand.

As I dug into the archives, each file opened revealed more layers of their history. Names, dates, and events blurred together, forming a dense tapestry of information. It was as if the more I uncovered, the less I understood the purpose of this mission.

Ups and Downs - Brett x Reader - Inside JobWhere stories live. Discover now