Episode 50 - Raid Battle

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Y/n: Gagamaru!! Don't fall for i-

Before Y/n could finish, Barou already performed a chop feint. Gagamaru however did not fall for it 

Y/n: Oh he has this...Never underestimate a beast boy like him...

Y/n stands still and gets ready to run back to Uber's goal. He has full belief in Gagamaru's goalkeeping

Isagi: Y/n?

Y/n: Wait for it...

Barou takes his signature right footed mid-range shot and it rockets past the defender who's trying to guard him and all the way to the bottom left of the goal


Y/n: Nah he will.

Y/n: Nah he will

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Kurona: WOAH!!

Igaguri: GAGA-SAMA!!

Y/n: Yep. Get ready to run

Barou: Kuh...

Gagamaru: Finally, we got the ball back...

Gagamaru pulls his arm back and launches the ball with amazing power all the way to Y/n. Y/n somehow traps the ball with relative ease whilst looking in the opposite direction towards Isagi

Y/n: Get ready to run!

Y/n and Isagi start to sprint up the field with Yukimiya and Noa following in their stead

Isagi: Time to finish this.

Y/n: This game is ours.

Yukimiya: How are you gonna finish them off?

Noa: Let's go

Y/n passes to Noa who cuts in and gets past 2 defenders. Noa passes to Isagi and right after Aiku fouls him to stop him but the game continues because Bastard München has the advantage

Isagi: Thanks, Master.

Yukimiya: Isagi!

Isagi notices Yukimiya for seemingly the first time this match and passes to him. Yukimiya keeps the ball by dribbling to give Isagi time to get into position.

Y/n: All Yukimiya has to do is pass to Isagi. There isn't really a way to get this wrong

However, Yukimiya instead of a normal pass, lobs the ball over the defenders. Short term a good idea slightly less short-term terrible

Y/n: Yuki!! I know you're blind but that was NOT the best idea!!

Y/n: Yuki!! I know you're blind but that was NOT the best idea!!

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