Discovery of Quemagleon

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Many years ago, before the idea of cultivating superpowers illegally had even entered her mind, Micaxium devoted most of her time to being a small town vigilante wearing an array of different masks so no one could track her down that easily. She was extremely creative with her crime fighting tactics, and her pain immunity system was unparalleled therefore she would heal very quickly from physical wounds, but she had no actual tech or super abilities until she met a colleague who introduced her to the idea of Nanotech. Micaxium was told that it was being used to improve physical health and help speed up assembly lines, people saw this breakthrough as promising although the fantasy of using it to make instant meta-human abilities and weapons was still many years away. Micaxium decided to put her creativity to the test and see if she could help give Nanotech a boost for the greater good.
She spent a small fortune on Black market Nanotech. This technology was simply described as

"Adaptable and effective."

After she purchased it, Micaxium tried rewiring it but that didn't produce the results she was looking for, she tried supercharging it in order to utilize it as a weapon, but it just caught fire!
Her last attempt was to combine a small amount of the technology with the illegal element she had secretly stashed in an undisclosed location. This particular element worked best when applied to human skin, although it was believed to have a few dangerous side effects.
Micaxium supercharged the formula, and then welded it onto a stainless steel ring she'd found at an estate sale. After the metal had cooled off, she put the ring on her right hand. The creation increased her strength and durability tenfold in an instant. She had finally succeeded in creating her first super-powered Nanotech upgrade. Micaxium named this creation Quemagleon and just like her illegal element, she kept it secret, away from prying eyes who could use it for corruption... since Micaxium does not trust anybody.

The end.

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