"So, here we are in a strange land of papists and rapists... America's very own Gomorrah. I've been asking around about Mr Bronte and from all I've heard this establishment is our best lead, but I haven't had any joy in there so far. Arthur, I suggest you go in there and try your best but keep it cool. Katie, try to get some more information in the streets, I might didn't get everything. I meet you both when you're done." Splitting up, Arthur went inside the saloon while Katie walked along the streets of Saint Denis, trying to get to know the city. Taking a few turns, she reached the outer skirts where the poorer part of civilization lived.
Walking on the streets, Katie got pushed by a boy that was running past her.

"Hey, stop!" Hearing the female voice calling out from behind her, Katie turned around to an elderly nun, who tried to follow the boy.

"He stole my crucifix while I taught them reading." Taking a couple of steps backwards, Katie assured her to get her cross back and turned around to chase the boy.
Taking a couple of turns into the alleyways of the city, she found the crucifix laying on the ground. Katie picked it up and followed the main street to the next church, where she found the sister, talking to a priest. As soon as she spotted Katie holding up her cross, she walked up to her, taking it back with disbelief in her eyes.

"No, you didn't... I hope the boy is alright? I don't know how to thank you, Miss...?"

"Collins. Katie Collins. No need to thank me. The boy is fine... but maybe you can help me. I'm looking for a man. Name is Angelo Bronte." By the mention of the name, the sister looked at her in surprise and slight worry.

"Bronte? He is no man to mess with. The people respect or fear him. He has a lot of connections within the city and knows everything going around in Saint Denis. He has a big house on Flavian street, opposite the park."

Thanking the sister, Katie made her way back to the saloon to meet up with Arthur and Dutch.
Finding them near a small park, they walked up to her as soon as they saw her.

"Where have you been?" Dutch asked while walking up to her with Arthur trailing behind him.

"Getting back a crucifix for a nun who got robbed. But I found Bronte. Italian guy with a house on the Flavian street... seems to be a big guy in this city. Everyone knows him, but no one wants to talk about him." Looking back and forth between Katie and Arthur, Dutch looked at them in slight confusion.

"What is it about you two getting robbed or being involved in it? We just got here. I say we pay him a visit. I'll get John and you two meet us there." Leaving them behind, Dutch made his way towards his horse.

"You got robbed?" Raising an eyebrow, Katie looked at Arthur who didn't seem to be happy about Dutch's indirect remark.

"Bunch of children stole my bag." Shoving Katie's shoulder he rolled his eyes, not able to fully hold back a smile as she started laughing.

Meeting Dutch and John in the park at the Flavery street, they started to walk up to the house that belongs to Angelo Bronte. Wondering who that man was and hoping to get Jack back.
The house they stood in front of was a grand and opulent mansion. The facade, that features classical architecture and ornate details, reflects the wealth and power of its owner.

Walking up to the closed gate, Dutch addressed the guard that stood behind the gate.

"Excuse me, sir. We have an appointment to see Mr. Bronte."

The lost spark in your eyes //RDR2 // Arthur MorganWhere stories live. Discover now