Letty Is Alive

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Dom's POV
it's been a year since we took down Hernan Reyes and im enjoying my time with Elena. Life has been great ever since we took down Reyes I got up from Elena one day and went outside I was busy working on something till Hobbs showed up I looked at him and said what are you doing here cop? He explained to me what was going on I told him I wasn't interested oh yes you are He said to me he handed me a file when I opened it. It was about Letty I knew who to call so I went back out to Hobbs I told him that I had to make a phone call to whom Hobbs asks to a relative of Letty's who is willing to help us who help us the last time I said. Make it fast Hobbs says to me so I pulled out my phone and made the call

Fast PINơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ