Chapter 1.4 - Entrance Ceremony

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Then again, with Karuizawa looking like the stereotypical gyarus that he read online, he figured he should have expected her to have a short attention span.

Thankfully for Ayanokouji, nobody heard his thoughts.

Hirata, overhearing her comment, smiled amiably at the girls. "Exactly, and that's why we should all help Ayanokouji-kun feel welcome."

Matsushita, with a kind smile, added, "Don't mind Karuizawa-san. She's straightforward, but she means well... I think."

Karuizawa shot Matsushita a glare for her comment, then turned to Ayanokouji. "Sorry if I came off strong," she said with a shrug. "Just call it my way of breaking the ice."

"What a way to break the ice, then," commented Mori. There was a look of amusement evident in her face.

"It's not like I insulted him, you know? I was just pointing it out," Karuizawa tried to defend herself.

Although it was unlikely that an argument would break out, Ayanokouji thought it'd be a good idea to interject. And so, he said, "It's fine. I appreciated the straightforwardness."

Karuizawa's expression brightened into a grin, a hint of triumph in her eyes. She turned to the other girls, and said. "See? He's okay with it!"

Hirata, observing the exchange, felt a sense of accomplishment. He was hoping that Ayanokouji would get along with the girls, and although they weren't exactly friends yet, they were in the right direction.

Turning his attention to the other students, he said, "Alright, let's keep moving, everyone."


"The future of our nation rests in your capable hands. Welcome to the beginning of your journey at Advanced Nurturing High School!"

With these words, the Entrance Ceremony for the first-year students of Advanced Nurturing High School concluded. The gymnasium gradually stirred into motion as the students prepared to leave.

Contrary to the students' expectations, the ceremony had been devoid of the theatrics that marked their over-the-top orientation earlier. It was surprisingly mundane, almost a mirror image of the typical entrance ceremonies they had experienced in their former schools.

Then again, Japan was a country of tradition. Some things, especially ceremonies, were bound to stay the same.

Key figures like ANHS' Chairman Sakayanagi Narumori graced the stage, offering words of encouragement and advice. Their speeches followed the familiar script of setting out primary expectations for the students, punctuated with the usual reminders about upholding the school's values and striving for excellence.

There was also a short performance from the school's chorale. But beyond that, nothing of note took place.

Ayanokouji, sitting among his classmates, couldn't help but observe the varying levels of engagement around him.

"About seven of my classmates actually fell asleep..." he noted, his eyes scanning the rows of nodding heads. 

Yamauchi Haruki, in particular, had managed to nod off 42 times over the past hour.

It was a strangely impressive feat, considering he never quite tipped over. Not even once.

"It would have been funny if he did... I think," Ayanokouji mused.

As the crowd began to disperse, Ayanokouji found himself alongside Hirata once again.

"Ayanokouji-kun, do you want to join us for lunch?" Hirata asked.

Ayanokouji then glanced over Hirata's shoulder, observing the small group that had formed behind him. Matsushita and Mori offered warm, welcoming smiles, while Karuizawa appeared engrossed in her phone. Satou Maya, a newcomer to the group, gave him a friendly wave.

This prompted Ayanokouji to pause, contemplating the implications of accepting the invitation. 

On one hand, he had been meaning to make friends with a few of his classmates. This was a good chance for that.

But on the other hand, joining them for lunch meant integrating with a group that included Hirata and four cute girls—a scenario that could potentially draw more attention to him than he preferred. 

That would be his 'normal' high school life flushed down the toilet.

But then again, wasn't this what 'normal' high school life was supposed to be about? Making decisions, taking leaps, and maybe, just maybe, finding where you fit in this puzzle?

He could almost hear the tick of an internal clock as he weighed his options. 

Decisions, decisions...

After a moment, tinged with the awareness of time slipping away, Ayanokouji's internal debate reached its conclusion. He gave Hirata a slight nod, his decision made. 

"Sure, I guess," he replied.

The brown-haired boy just didn't had it in him to say no when Hirata looked at him with such hopeful eyes. He seemed to really want him to join them.

"Spending lunch with four girls all by yourself would definitely paint a huge target on your back. This is the least I could do for him," Ayanokouji justified his decision. 

If anything, other people would just think of him as the side character who's the friend of the protagonist. 

Aside from that, he had to pay his friend back somehow.

Hirata's face lit up with a genuine smile. "Great! Let's head to the cafeteria, shall we?" he said, clapping his hands together in a gesture that seemed to naturally rally the group.

With a wordless nod, Ayanokouji found himself as the odd man out in a group of incredibly social people.


Author's notes: 

I am back! 

I apologize for the short chapter though. I felt like it'd be better this way as my goal was just to introduce Kiyo to more classmates. Besides, not all chapters have to be really long.

I'm still looking for that sweet spot. People like strong and lance in the fanfic server said 3k might be the optimal number for a new writer, but I think a bit of variety could work based on the importance of the chapter.

Sometimes, it's much better to let a moment breathe, like in this one.

Next chapter, you'll see more of Kiyo's school experience.

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: May 01 ⏰

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