It's just a guess from beginning to end.

If Xie Ju'an, after receiving the letter he left, ignored the woman's life and did not come here today, he would not be surprised at all. So, when he heard that Xie Wei was coming, and saw him walk in from the outside, Wan Xiuzi, who was sitting on the chair, unconsciously shook the hand that was pinching the young woman's shoulder, and couldn't help being very surprised. uplifting.

The young woman didn't expect it, and let out a soft cry of pain.

However, Wan Xiuzi had already pushed her away, his eyes were shining brightly, and with a bit of chill, he quickly locked on to Xie Wei, and laughed: "Okay, how courageous! You really dare to come!"

Xie Wei stood there, never paying respects.

He didn't even look at Wan Xiuzi first, but at Jiang Xuening.

Ever since she heard Dao Tong come to report that Xie Ju'an had come, her heart sank; seeing Xie Wei walk in now, she felt her heart sink to the bottom of the valley.

Jiang Xuening was also tied to a column.

She had been drugged for the past few days on the road, and was woken up by a ladle of water not long ago. Her face looked a little pale and haggard, and some drops of wet water rolled down her cheeks. A pair of jet-black eyes looked at him, and the light flickered slightly, as if there was a lot to say, but it was all hidden in the silence.

Xie Ju'an has thought about it countless times these days, what it would be like to meet her in the Luoyang sub-helm.

In the current situation, he should control himself.

So after thinking through all the scenarios, even the worst scenario, he thought that when he saw Jiang Xuening again, he would be as calm as water, without revealing any flaws. What's more, the situation is far from as bad as I thought. However, just this one glance at Ai Ai, with a sadness as light as tobacco shreds, hit his heart hard, making him almost lose control at this moment, revealing the hostility and murderous intent buried deep in his heart.

Wan Xiuzi looked at him with great interest, and said, "It seems that you really care about this little girl?"

Only then did Xie Wei turn his eyes away.

As long as he glanced at the wronged and disheveled young woman at Wan Xiuzi's feet, he knew that nothing good happened in this room just now, and when he thought of Jiang Xuening watching in this room just now, the frost in his eyes The coldness became a little bit worse, but he said: "How dare you not come to summon the leader? It's just that Jiang Xuening is the daughter of a colleague in the court. She once saved my life. In terms of emotion and reason, I should not be implicated. It doesn't matter. It's just an outsider, and she's not the daughter that Jiang Boyou's family values ​​very much, so I'm afraid it won't be of much use."

This is to disengage the relationship with her.


Suspicion suddenly arose in Jiang Xuening's heart, and for some unknown reason, seeing him calmly answering Wan Xiuzi, she inexplicably felt that she had settled down a lot: Xie Ju'an is a person who bears a **** vendetta, and he hasn't avenged it yet, so he shouldn't really put himself in the For the danger of being unable to turn over, one should be prepared. Just a few words to clarify the relationship are worth pondering.

Sure enough, Jiang Xuening could think of it, and so could Wan Xiuzi.

How could he believe such nonsense?

Immediately, he smiled coldly, and said mercilessly: "You are flourishing in Xinzhou, and the momentum is just right. You came to Luoyang for a 'no use value' and 'insignificant outsider'. Clearing the relationship, don't you feel like trying to cover up? I still know who you are. If you dare to come alone, you must have thought about how I will deal with you. You have seen the methods used by the church to deal with traitors with your own eyes. ."

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