But it's too much.

He collapses on the floor. Before he could even figure out he could feel tears streaming down his cheeks. He wipes it off but they doesn't stop. As if a dam broke and tears falling incessantly.
He still tries to wipe it off again and again. A pain now covers him, making his mind dizzy, he can't think straight. It feels so bad to be back in this state again.

Why this hurts so bad???
Is it the first time someone betrayed him??
Is it the first time someone close to him betrayed him??
Is it the first time someone he loved betrayed him???
Then why????? Why this hurts so bad??? Why this hurts like hell.

He had so many nightmares, so many bad dreams,
But never in those dreams he thought Yoongi would call him a monster.
A fucking monster.
That Yoongi would think the same like others. That he is just like Lee Yang Cheol.
Yoongi hates Lee Yang Cheol. So soon he will be hating Jimin.
Jimin would have thought about it at first place.
They couldn't be in love. They could never be in love.
But this hurts. This fucking hurts.
Yoongi could have asked him straight if he doubts Jimin had killed them.
But he went on his back.
He spied on him, just like your enemy.
That hurts.

All his fears from the past years crawls back, every bad memory, every bad feeling. Silhouettes are again covering him, trying to choke him to death.
It feels like someone has injected poison in him and wherever it flows his veins ache.
He is a poison plant, whatever he touches become cursed, whatever he holds onto become cursed, it slips through his fingers, breaks into pieces.

For a moment Jimin feels he can't breathe anymore, something is choking him to death as if he is running out of Oxygen.
His heart feels like someone has pierced it with a broken peace of glass, his whole body hurts. His mind is in haze, only thing that he remembers is pain.
Fear, he feels fear, fear of loosing everything again.

Their heaven, their beautiful heaven has been broken down abruptly. To keep the heaven safe he hid all his darknesses away. He made sure not even drop of his dark blood will touch their warm yellow heaven.
But in the end, it's the person he loved slashed his heart, making it all bloody over the place.
It's him.

Muffled sobs recks his body again and again. He feels like he is broken into a a lot of pieces.
No he was already broken and today Min Yoongi decided to cut the thread that held him together in place.

Yoongi stood frozen in his place in their heaven, not even registering what just happened???
Isn't it a day ago they were having dinner together??
Isn't it just a day ago when Jimin held his hands in his own while havin dinner and spoke so subtly as ever.
'I love you.'
Did he even mean that??

Yoongi looks at his own hands, still feeling the warmth of Jimin's hand in between his fingers.
It was the best feeling for him.
But now he was gone. Just gone, not even a single explanation, not even a single apology.
Does their love meant nothing to him???
Yoongi didn't mean to stab in his back. Yoongi did not mean to hurt his siren, not at all.

But it hurts crazy when you get to know the person you have loved has killed twelve people without mercy, that he killed people who worked for him.
It hurts like hell to know that Jimin himself was spying on him. But exactly why????

For a moment Yoongi thought what if Jimin is trying to do something behind his back.
Fuck!!! Did he just thought Jimin would betray him???
Actually yes.
It's like stabbing his ownself but yes.

The Dark Pheonix Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ