Katherine stopped with a worried and painful expression on her face, Alexander let out a sigh and caressed her cheeks, "My love , I know what's troubling you, my work. I know it's illegal and dangerous but I can't help, once we entered the underground world it's kind of impossible to leave, to be honest not even I am proud of what I'm doing neither I would like to continue" he said in a serious tone and cupped her face looking deeply into her eyes ,"Katherine, my love believe me when I say that you're the most precious thing to me and I would do anything to keep you safe and sound , I will keep you away from the dangers of the work I'm in, I will love you deeply till last of my heartbeat, I love you Katherine" tears fell on the cheeks of her , he smiled with tears in her eyes and hugged him tightly, "I love you too Alexander"

He broke the hug on of one his men calling his name , he gave her an assuring look and came out of her room to meet him, his man spoke in an anxious and worried tone, "Boss! Those bastards of South coast mafia has attacked out secret base" a frown of worry and anger formed on his face "We need to leave now, quick address our men about these situation"

Alexander returned to her room and hugged her tightly for last time and cupped her face, he looked her with love and spoke in hurry " My love, I have to take a leave. I know it's early but I have no choice but don't worry I will be back and you would be safe these men around your house work for me , they wouldn't let anything happen to you, I promise " he said in a serious tone and gave a small peck on her lips, Katherine nodded and said while watching him leave "take care".

Alexander and his men arrive in the area, their boots making loud and frequent thumps on the hard floor of the alleyway. Their footsteps echo off the walls, bringing a sense of urgency and tension to the air.Alexander stood tall, his face betraying no emotion as he looked at the mafia leader. He remained in control of his emotions and did not let the hostility or mockery distract him from his purpose.

"So you think you can waltz into our city and try to take what's ours?" Alexander snarled, glaring at the man from the South Coast. His eyes were full of rage and the veins on his forehead stood out like rivers against the backdrop of his pale skin.

"We ain't scared of no one," the man replied defiantly, his voice low and menacing. "If you have a problem with us, then we'll take care of it right here and now. You're lucky we don't just blow your brains out and walk away."

The two brothers stood face to face, tension hanging in the air like a thick fog. There was no hiding their relation - the same eyes and expressions, the similar way of speaking. But there was also a coldness between them, a divide in their relationship that had been created by their rivalry. Alexander was determined to keep the power he had been given, while his younger brother Edward was desperate for the same recognition from their father.

"Be reasonable," Alexander said with a sneer. "Our father chose me as the leader for a reason - you're just not fit for the job."

"You're not worth my time," Alexander snarled, his eyes narrowing to slits and his voice dripping with contempt. "You may be someone important down South, but here, you're just another nobody."

"You think you deserve all this just because Dad made you the big shot?" Edward hissed, glaring with contempt at his older brother. "Just because you're the oldest doesn't mean you're the best suited for this position." He barked, anger and jealousy oozing out of every inch of his body.

"You think I didn't know you settled here? I know every single thing that happens under my nose, brother or not!" Alexander spat, his voice full of contempt. "This city is mine and it will always be mine. I'm not giving up my power just because you decided to come back and want it for yourself. We all know how things work here."

"You're just like our father, aren't you?" the younger brother accused, his voice dripping with resentment. "You never understood how much I contributed to our family's success. It was always you, the golden child who could do no wrong, while I was left in the shadows."

Alexander sneered at the younger brother who dared to challenge him. "Look, I don't know what you think you're doing here, Edward, but let's make one thing clear," Alexander said, his tone dripping with contempt. "This city is mine and mine alone. I will not let some outsider come in and try to take what's rightfully mine. You may be my younger brother, but you are nothing to me. You'll never be anything but a pathetic, worthless little boy. Do I make myself clear?! I will not surrender it just because you think you can do a better job."

Edward rolled his eyes, his demeanor cocky and confident despite his inferior position. "Just hand over the reins, Alexander, and you can be rid of me once and for all. Your time is up, brother...I'm coming for your throne."

A tense silence hangs in the air as the brothers stare each other down. Suddenly, Edward's gang moves, drawing their weapons and taking aim at Alexander.

Edward raising his gun "You should've seen this coming, brother. It's time for you to step aside."

Alexander doesn't flinch as Edward's gang opens fire, bullets whizzing past him. He dives for cover, returning fire with precision. The warehouse erupts into chaos as the two factions clash, the sound of gunfire echoing off the walls.

Alexander gritting his teeth "You think you can take me down that easily, Edward? Think again!"

The fight rages on, each brother battling fiercely for control of the warehouse. But as the dust settles, it becomes clear that Alexander has the upper hand. With a final, decisive move, he disarms Edward and pins him to the ground, a look of triumph in his eyes.

Alexanderbreathing heavily "You were always too impulsive, Edward. Too eager to jump into things without thinking."

He presses his foot against Edward's chest, holding him down as he aims his gun at his brother's face. But instead of pulling the trigger, Alexander hesitates, a conflicted expression crossing his face.

Alexander sighing "You're not worth it, Edward. I've got bigger things to worry about than you and your petty games."

With that, Alexander releases Edward and stands up, dusting himself off. He casts one last disdainful glance at his brother before striding away, his gang falling into step behind him.

Alexander looks over his shoulder
"Consider yourself lucky, Edward. Next time, I won't be so forgiving. Now get lost before I change my mind."

As Alexander and his gang climb into their sleek, imported cars and drive off into the night, Edward watches them go, seething with rage and humiliation.

Edward storms into his base, his gang trailing behind him, the air thick with tension. He makes his way to his cabin, his footsteps heavy with anger. Inside, he finds himself surrounded by reminders of his family legacy – photos of his father and grandfather adorning the walls

Edward gritting his teeth "Bloody hell... always comparing me to that bastard brother of mine. Always the golden child, while I'm left in the shadows."

His anger boils over, and he begins hurling objects across the room, the sound of shattering glass echoing off the walls. Finally, he collapses into the chair, his eyes fixated on a photo of him and his brother, taken when they were young.

Edward voice trembling with fury "Look at us, Alexander. Brothers, they said. But you were always the favorite, weren't you? Always the one with the bloody spotlight shining on you."

His eyes burn with rage, tears mingling with the redness in his eyes. He wipes a tear from his cheek, his hand trembling with emotion.

Edward voice filled with venom "loathe you, Alexander. I'll take everything you hold dear, just like you took my very existence from me."

he snatches the photo from its frame and watches as the flames consume it, the image of him and his brother curling and blackening in the fire.

Edward whispering to himself "You won't get away with this, Alexander. I'll make sure of it."

As the flames die down, leaving nothing but ashes in their wake, Edward's resolve hardens. He wipes away his tears, his expression one of cold determination. With a final glance at the charred remains of the photo, he sets his jaw and begins to plot his revenge.

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