Everyone was silent. They listened to Ford from the beginning to the end. Whatever he said made sense. Gemini's tears came back and he started apologizing.

"I'm sorry, i'm so sorry."

He started sobbing and trying to wipe his tears with his bloody hands.

"I-i just don't know how am i gonna live without Fourth. I-i love him a lot-"

Before you knew it, Phuwin pulled Gemini in for a hug. Gemini cried again, nonstop, until everyone joined them and cried about their dumb actions.

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have talked that way."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have underestimated your love towards Fourth."

"Let's just wish that our baby bean and Fourth is okay."

After a while.

"Please. Please tell me they made it."

A nurse left the surgery room with a big smile on her face.

"Mr. Norawit, now we're taking Mr. Nattawat to the VIP room and Doctor is calling you inside. By the way, the surgery was a success. Mr. Nattawat was a good fighter."

Gemini ecstatically entered the VIP room which was inside the surgery room and saw Fourth.

"My love.."

Gemini stepped forward to Fourth but then he saw an INCU next to his bed.

"Congratulations, Mr. Norawit. Your boyfriend just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl."

Gemini smiled but as the realization hit him, his smile faded away.

"But.. it was too soon.. is she gonna be okay?"

"She needs special care for now. But she is going to be okay."

The doctor patted Gemini's shoulder and left the room to leave Gemini with his family.

He slowly walked next to Fourth's bed and satted down to the chair next to him.

"You're so strong baby.. thank you for bringing her. I don't know how was i supposed to live without you. Please wake up. Please."

Gemini held Fourth's hand and kissed it slowly.

"Our baby.."

Gemini let go of Fourth's hand and he walked up to the other side of the bed.

He looked inside the INCU and saw their baby girl from a close distance. She looked just like him. Her eyes were like his, and that face figure.

She was definitely gonna be a daddy's girl.

"Hi princess.. i'm your dad."

There were a few health preparations installed to the baby's nose and many parts of her body. She was weak and needy, she needed Fourth's care.

"I'm gonna love you forever."

Gemini whispered and he said goodbye to them. There was no point of staying there. As a medical student, he knew that Fourth's wasn't going to wake up earlier than 4 to 7 hours. In these types of surgeries, it was possible to go to a coma, but if no coma was confirmed, 4-7 was the ideal.

He left the room and saw everyone sitting and waiting for him patiently.

"What happened? Are they okay?"

They all jumped to Gemini and Gemini started tearing up with tears of joy.

"I have a daughter."

The gang looked at each other and smiled. Phuwin hugged Gemini while Gemini was a sobbing mess.

"I have a daughter."

"I know buddy. And she is gonna be okay."

"My baby girl.."

Ford hugged the two and everyone joined them.

"Our baby bean is a girl."

"Our baby bean.."

That may sound so cringe for most of people, but that is right. They're are baby bean's first loves, her soulmates, her first playdates and school buddies. Baby bean was so lucky to have them, and she was going to love being with them a lot.


Two chapters the same day.. enjoy and leave comments to recommend a name for the baby girl.💕

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