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In the previous chapter...

And that's at this time, he fell in love with the girl but he doesn't know yet about that.


I was doing my homeworks in the parc when someone approach me.

Eungyeol : Hi Y/N !

- Oh hi !

Eungyeol : You don't have school today?

- No, it's Saturday-

Eungyeol : Ah yes-

- So ?

Eungyeol : What are you doing ?

- My homeworks ! I said smiling at him.

Eungyeol : Great !

- And you ?What are u doing here ?

Eungyeol : I was walking by and saw you ! So I come towards you for talk !

- Okay !

Eungyeol : Hum...how are you ?

- Im fine and you ?

Eungyeol : Me too !

- Great !

Eungyeol : You love studying outside of your house ?

- Yes that's super cool !

Eungyeol : I understand, I do that sometimes cause my eomma told that she loved to do that when she was young and said that it's was an very comfortable feeling !

- Your mom must be an great woman !

Eungyeol : Yeah...! He nodded slowly with a smile.

- Why you don't sitting ?

Eungyeol : I can ?

- Of course !

Eungyeol : Ah ! Okay ! Thank u !

- You're welcome Euneol !

Eungyeol : Euneol ?

- Yeah, Euneol. You don't like this nickname ?

Eun-gyeol : I don't like it, I love it. He started crying.

- Yah~ don't cry...I don't like seeing people cry...!

Eungyeol : Sorry, it's just that my mom also call me like that...but she write it on message and don't say it cause she's mute...

- Oh...I didn't know about that. Sorry !

Eungyeol : Don't be sorry about that...

- Yeah... I nodded slowly.

Eungyeol : I let you now ! I don't want to bothered u longer !

- You don't bothered me !

Eungyeol : If you say so ! Work well ! Bye !

- Bye Euneol !

We smile to eachtoher and he leave walking slowly.

(He cry because she called him Euneol.)

TWINKLING WATERMELON - Ha Yichan Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora