A new life

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original chapter title: "silly god"

I'm seriously losing my mind. I'm very very sure that I was in my room, watching another episode of The sun and moon show. Now I'm in this wierd place surrounded by clouds.

"What am I doing here? I'm sure I should be home. Let's retrace my steps...how do I do that exactly? I am on a cloud, how can someone retrace their steps if they are on a literal cloud and they don't even know how they got there?!"

The human thought for a moment, placing his hand on his chin like cartoon characters do when they are thinking of something very intensely.

"Am I dreaming or something? I must be dreaming! but... no... if I think that i am dreaming then that means i am probably not dreaming.."

then the man jumped back a little, startled by his own voice that now sounded like someone who smoked way too many cigarettes in their life. "why the hell does my voice sound so different?!"

He looked down, not understanding how he was standing on a cloud. he already knows that clouds are obviously made of gas. it should definitely not be possible and much less how his voice was different.

"Calm down, calm down Mark... let's try to find any piece of evidence to know where I am"

Mark at least tried tried to look around, he felt like he was walking in circles in what seemed to be endless clouds that always seemed to lead to nowhere.

he looked at his shoes in defeat and thats when he noticed a piece of paper in his shoes. his shoes were different, almost like shoes from a clown or jester, yet it gave him a slim hope as he grabs the paper.

"Please don't be a note i can read.. please, please please." The man unfolds the mysterious paper and he notices that he can actually read the said note that was before folded very badly.

he is easily able to read it and begins to read the note out loud.

Greetings from above and below, from the place that no mortal should go. I gave you this note to inform you of your situation... if you do not remember, 4 months ago you wished you were on this show, to be part of the cast and have fun inside it, and as I heard your prayer of despair, I am proud to say that it became true... We also gave you 1 wish you may ask for anything but going home as that is not possible with this wish, to use up your wish just say "for all that is holy, I wish for.." and boom, you got your wish. You were chosen to be in Eclipse's body by one of the high ranked angels and it seemed the closest character to your personal likings. you may change the storyline as you wish, but remember that if you change it too much it will collapse.
After reading this and when you can touch a phone please go to our Google page www.GodandBelievers and gives us a review, I will personally read it to our glorious angels of above. (This is a fake page, do not research it)

Mark looks down at the paper angrily "What..? You gotta be kidding me... is my life some sort of circus?! I HAD A FAMILY, MY MOTHER WAS COOKING DINNER FOR ME! MY FRIENDS, TOMORROW WAS JEREMY'S BIRTHDAY! AND YOU PUT ME HERE?! WHY SHOULD I GIVE YOU A REVIEW ON YOUR GOD FORSAKEN GOOGLE PAGE?!"

after that moment of rage the man took some minutes, taking deep and controlled breaths to calm down

"It's ok.. calm down. I will get a way to get out of here and go back to my world. Haha... right? Maybe with the Newton star is possible..? No, my life is more important than that... and I would probably die because of... obvious reasons such as Bloodmoon... but if I don't try to go after the Newton Star then I will break the plot and this whatever the note said it will collapse"

Mark...or now Eclipse, looks down in pure despair, not thinking of any way out of there other than the Star

"I will just need to fight for my life, be destroyed, come back and probably die again.." Mark says sadly

Mark then he remembered something important that he should probably try to figure out. that being, he doesn't even know in what point he time he was in.

for all that he knew, he could be close to the arc where he takes Sun's body for a long time and tortures Moon with Lunar's every movement that he does ever so slightly

"Wait... maybe if I am in the very start I can change some things that will lead me to not die!" he says, gaining slight hope.

"maybe with the knowledge I have from the show, I could actually get the newton star. then I could somehow use it to get back home!" he grins, now actually having a proper goal.

he then looks over to the cube. "Okay so, maybe I can access Sun's eyes by the cube just like Eclipse does, I might possess him... it is worth the risk."

the man walks up to the cube, placing his left hand in it and trying to hear or see where they might be, to understand his place in time.

At first he heard voices that were almost like whispers, then it started getting louder and louder unti he could hear the voices clearly and see what sun is seeing.

"Ok ok... you said that he is watching through my eyes right?" It was Sun's voice, he could hear it clearly as day and that he was anxious and nervous about something, which was probably
Eclipse himself.

"He can see and hear everything" The man could see Moon looking down, narrowing his eyes as it wasn't needed to be a genius to see he was blaming himself.

"What if I just am not here when you are thinking of the plan?"

"Sun, you don't understand, I couldn't even see the difference between you and him..!" Moon's voice seemed to be filled with pain and regret, he was looking down at the coloured floor of the daycare.

"I see... I am in the first appearance of Eclipse... I guess that is good.? Not really, the real Eclipse just made the full mind game with Moon and now he will start to do try to form a plan to get rid of me... it is something at least"

the man sighed and walked away from the cube, looking at the clouds on the ground. he remembered from the show that thay were unfinished and shapeless thoughts.

He sat down, no longer thinking of anything or anyone, just accepting his new reality... Or at least trying to do so with the best of his abilities.

1163 words

again, credits to the original creator. I apologize if I missed any mistakes. (had a few problems with copying and pasting these)

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