"If you'd prefer to be my sidekick, then I'll consider it." He joked.

You let out a soft laugh. "I didn't know you had a sense of humor, Master Diluc."

"What is that supposed to mean?" He asked.

You removed your mask, making the soft glow of the edge of the sunlight reflect off your eyes. Diluc looked into them, but then quickly looked away.

"Nothing. I'll see you tonight, then."

Diluc watched you walk off, leaving him alone to his thoughts. He touched the shard in his pocket, frowning as memories from the past returned to him.

You made your way back towards the city, still trying to sneak around the guards on duty. You managed to slip past them and back to your building.

Now that you had a good grasp of your current mission, you had entered your room from your window discreetly and laid down in your bed. You immediately shoved off your disguise, tossing it to the corner of your room.

Sighing, you felt exhaustion coming over you. Since it was already daylight outside, you knew you would just sleep the day away to pass the time.

Getting into a comfortable position, you tried to drown out the sounds of the awakened city as you slept.


A knock at your door had awoken you out of your sleep. You yawned, standing up and rubbing your eyes.

As you opened your door, you were awoken out of your drowsy state when you made eye contact with Kaeya.

"Ugh. It's you." You sneered.

"Don't tell me you've been sleep this entire day." He looked at you, smiling.

"So? I got some time off so I figured I should catch up on my sleep." You responded. "What are you doing here?"

"It's TCG night at the tavern. Care to join, sleeping beauty?" Kaeya flipped his coin, watching you yawn.

"That's tonight?" You asked.

"Every Saturday." He replied.

"Ugh..." You yawned once more, gazing at the clock on your wall. You still had hours before midnight approached, so you thought it wouldn't hurt to go out. "... Just let me get dressed."

"Of course." Kaeya chuckled while you closed the door, going towards your closet to find a suitable outfit.

Once you were dressed and ready, you followed Kaeya towards Angel's Share. It was certainly lively, and the sounds of drunks words followed by rolled dice played into the air.

"Ah, look who's working tonight." Kaeya stopped at the front counter with you beside him.

You and Diluc exchanged awkward glances before he cleared his throat. "...I work on Saturdays. You of all people know this."

"Oh, that's right, I forgot." Kaeya chuckled. "Anyways, we'll be heading to the top floor now."

You gave Diluc another look and walked off with Kaeya to the balcony. You were greeted by Rosaria and Eula, who sat at a table.

"It's about time someone woke you up." Rosaria said as you took a spot next to her.

"It's been a while." Eula said in front of you.

"I know. Time goes by when you're busy." You expressed.

"Anyways, enough of the formalities. Let's order our drinks and get to playing, shall we?" Kaeya sat next to Eula, putting his coin back into his pocket.

Drunk In Love || Diluc x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें