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"WHAT ARE THEY DOING?" King George whispered to his daughter as they bothn sat in a sofa at the center of the warm room where the soireé happened.

"I actually have no idea." Bellatrix whispered back as they both watched a suitor do some sort of worm dance to them in the weirdest way possible.

The queen was gossiping with lady Danbuury nearby, always keeping an eye for George's health as Reynolds stood by his side, exchanging secret smiles with Brimsley.

The event that currently happened in Kew was an exclusive one, only selected families of suitors were chosen to present themselves, read poetry, set their charms to the princess, anything to attempt to win her approval.

But instead they only made her laugh.

There were such ridiculous presentations that Penelope Featherington couldn't bate write that in the Whistledown's pamphlet, she only wished for something actually exciting to happen soon, besides being friendzoned by Colin once again.

Bellatrix's glance turned to the door once the Bridgerton's arrived, her smile continued still on her face as she visualized that the Viscount had indeed not appeared. A small victory indeed.

Instead, her eyes laid on thr sweet Benedict, who grabbed a drink to himself and smiled softly back to her as he took a sip, his gaze not leaving hers for a single moment.

"Who is that?" George whispered to Bella. "A suitor?"

"Um? Oh, no, he is just one of the bridgertons." She whispered back shaking her head. "He is a second born."

"I see..."George only nodded, but couldn't help but feel something different in his daughter's tone. He tried to shake away the thoughts and remain focused on the moment

One after one, the many gentlemen presented themselves, and between them, the duke of Lockridge finally made his appearance. Elegantlybut also casually dressed for the occasion, he brought a rose and gave it to the princess as he kneeled in front of Bella.

"Your highness" He commented as tthe croed wowed themselves at the gesture of affection. "I hope you can appreciate this modest tribute to your beauty."

Her fingertips delicately brushed against his and her smile escaped as she grabbed the flower in her hands. The aroma was gentle, seductive and smooth, just as his presence. No doubt, he was a gentleman when he wanted to.

"Thank you, your grace." She said delicately.

Sebastian Lockridge then, got up from the floor, and just as the previous suitors, stood in front of the fireplace, chest stuffed, imponent posture as he said the sweetest words to her ears in order to win her heart. "She walks in beauty, like the night, of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that's best of dark and bright, meet in her aspect and her eyes; Thus mellowed to that tender light, which heaven to gaudy day denies."

The crowd exploded with applauses and admiration for the Duke's poem recited to the princess, who politely smiled in return.

"Byron." Benedict rolled his eyes at the awful cliché chosen by the duke.

Lady Danbury analyzing the crowd, then asked. "Is there any other gentleman who would like to make a presentation?"

The guests looked at each other, waiting for possible entertainment. Violet looked at her offspring, realizing Anthony still wasn't there, she sighed deeply, realizing that maybe her son did not learn his lesson after all.

"Well, then, I guess there is no more entertainment for tonight." Lady Danbury said to the queen and the crowd emitted disappointed noises.

Eloise glanced at her brother Benedict, who seemed bothered about something. His eyes remained focused on Bellatrix and his fists flexed many times in a sign of anxiety.

[1] 𝙎𝙋𝙀𝘼𝙆 𝙉𝙊𝙒 | Bridgerton ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora