Courting step one- next is wedding bells👰‍♀️

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You looked over only to see-

?:Hola y/n~!

You saw Maria And Ran with rindo in the car smirking at you as Maria pointed a gun at Emis tires.

Before she could shoot the tires Emi went even fast and took a sharp right turn rcausing you to hit the car door.

Y/n: damn Emi i didn't know you could
Do that.

Emi: i told you, i used to a racer!

She said proudly as she kept going fast and took a turn into the forest that led no road but path that was clear.

Y/n: you know this place?

You ask as she kept driving past a whole lake, the lake was so clear and beautiful there were ducks fish and more in it.

Emi: I used to bring my ex-boyfriend and our kid... but sadly he broke up with me for another woman taking Kazu and leaving me with Aiko all by my self...

She said as she came to a stop.

Y/n:Kazu and Aiko? Was that your kids names?

Emi: yes they were twins, so alike but they got separated in the end, they were such cute siblings. I wanted them to continue to know each other.. so I'm fighting to get him back. I'm also trying to find someone to be their father so they don't grow up with no father.

Y/n: oh i see, you know Mikey, he's very nice right but he's a gangster, I think he's very sweet and cute.

Emi: why not give him a chance? I thought he was trying to kill you..

Y/n: oh my bad... it's just what if he changes his mind or he gets bored of me and you know.. kills me or another in my family?

Emi: L/n y/n! I'm saying this as your friend not your co-worker. If you like him you should give him a chance what if you regret it? You can't change it?

Y/n: what if he kills me?

Emi: if he loves you he won't! This is like a k- drama! I would give him a chance honey. 1. He's Rich 2. He's handsome 3. He's only nice to you and wont cheat! 4. He has a powerful status!

You look at her in disbelief.

Y/n: unlike you i don't go for looks!

Emi: come onnnnnnn' give him a chance, I swear you probably won't regret it.

Y/n: see you dont even know for sure if he'll kill me or not!

As you 2 argue 4 cars came behind and you and Emi pause before locking the doors and the back doors.

Kokonoi: n/n, be a sweetheart and come out.

He said knocking on the window, you were panicking and started to loss your breath. You look through the Rearview mirror and see Mikey, Ran, Rindo, Maria, kakucho, Sanzu, and mochizuki waiting for kokonoi to bring you back to them.

Koko: now now n/n there's no reason for you to be afraid... what Mikey wants Mikey gets. There's no other way to it!

The next thing you know you have Sanzu on Emis side of her car staring through the window. Threatening her to open the door or the worse will come.

Emi: Y/n, I'm scared, I don't know what to do.

She said looking forward at a big tree she parked in front of.

Y/n: this is my fault I should have dragged you along, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.

You started crying and Emi comforted you making the 2 men watching from the window stare in confusion.

Koko: why is she crying?

Sanzu: you dumb shit it's because of us! Because she got that green haired woman involved!

Koko: oh my bad! Y/n.. can you come out now? We wont hurt uhh Emi I promise.

You let go of Emi and look at kokonoi before unlocking the doors and open the door and Sanzu opened Emis and let her out.

Y/n: ...

Kokonoi leads you to Mikey were he looks at you, you look down and apologize.

Mikey: why did you run away? Did I say something to offend you or make you mad or scared?

Y/n: uh i.. i found out you were the leader of... Bonten and Ran and rindo were exclusives.

Mikey: hm I see...

He hugged you, you didn't expect it but he's trying to comfort you.

Mikey: just because I'm the leader of Bonten doesn't mean I don't want a chance to have a pretty, non-gangster wife.

You blush as you look at him, his eyes had a sparkle.

Mikey: your all dismissed, bring Emi to her house well help her get her kids back.

He said tilting his head at them as they all nod.

Emi: Really?! Thank you so much sano! I'll never forget this!

You smile at her,

Y/n💭: I guess she's right I should never judge , he'll take care of me I know it.

Mikey: Y/n, can I court you?

Y/n: didn't you already ask that but in a different way?

You chuckle as he blushed a little from embarrassment, realizing his words from when he brought you to your apartment.

Y/n: yes you can though. Let's start small, okay?

He nodded at your words as you lead him to a spot near the lake.

Y/n: This lake is so pretty... it has firefly's, ducks, swans, butterfly's, fish, frogs and so much more!

Mikey smiles at you as he watched you describe all the good things not the bad things.

Mikey: but there's spots in there that are dirty and polluted, there's ugly moths over there and those big trees that block the light.

You look at Mikey before sighing.

Y/n: you should never look at something's or someone's flaws before taking in the beauty.

You simply said smiling at Mikey.

Mikey: I suppose your right, I only took in your beautiful but you have no flaws so how can I do that? Your perfect.

You blush at his words before smiling at him.

Y/n: Mikey when I first found out u were with Bonten I thought you was going to kill me.. but seeing you now, I know I can trust you.

He has a small tint of blush on his cheeks.

Mikey: so will you marry me?

You chuckle at him,

Y/n: it's still to early Mikey. Maybe in 12 months.

You shrug as he looked at you on disbelief.

Mikey💭: a whole year???

Y/n: yes or no?

Mikey: ok, for you I'll wait a year.

He said smiling at you as you do the same as him.

This story is coming to an close end😭😭😢

And as you can see I started my other story now, Dream love GO READ!!😜

Love yourself as you would love a friend - Kasey L/n

To my one love | Bonten Mikey x F!reader {completed}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu