#AllYouCanEatSuperBuffet Part 1

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"Oh, there's not enough time in the day to explain that," Jessica replied, as she was familiar with Hal's behavior.

Soon, the two come to the conclusion that their speedy friend is missing.

"Alright, I'll call the girls..."

"And I'll call the boys..."

"And we'll meet at Sweet Justice to get to the bottom of this." Jessica finished as they both went in opposite directions to gather their superhero friends.

However, from the other side of the hallway was a particular group of girls who were also discussing the case of a missing friend. The girl who had her back against a locker was Selina Kyle, and she groaned in frustration because a certain friend hadn't responded to her text messages for hours.

"Rats!" she cursed. "Still can't get a response from Pamela!"

"You don't think Mrs. Plants Lover ditched us? Did she?" Her friend Leslie Willies asked.

"Nah, she might hate people in general, but she can at least stand our company," Selina said as she pulled her phone back into her pocket.

"That's sooooo~ Weird." An eccentric girl said while blowing her bubblegum. This was Harleen Quinzel. "I mean, she didn't show up to class either, but we also had this whole heist that we planned, and we all agreed to meet up at the bank we're about to steal, but then BAM didn't show up at all."

"Yes, with her powers, it's always easy to dig under the bank so we can collect our loot," Selina added.

"But now, we had to fight through a horde of cops. I didn't think that night would end! I couldn't get enough beauty sleep." The clingy girl Carol Ferris responded while stomping her foot.

"Oh! Boo-hoo, Miss Princess of Love here didn't get enough time to sleep in." Leslie mocked in a fake, sweet voice, "Get a grip, Carol, it's just one night. It's not the end of the world!"

Carol quickly turned to the punk girl and punched Leslie on her arm.

"Ow! Jeez, for a pipsqueak in pink, you sure got a mean right hook," Leslie noted while rubbing the sleeve of her jacket.

"I'm on the cheerleading team, you idiot! I can't afford to look like a mess; otherwise, they will throw me out!" Carol explained in a loud, commanding voice, "You understand? One wrinkle, and I'm out! Capiche? I can't afford to look bad! Especially not in front of my... Hal!"

At that, all the girls in the room sigh in exasperation. Carol is fun to be around, but her constant obsession with Hal Jordan is really unbearing.

"Wait... didn't Hal break up with you and block your contacts?" Harleen obviously stated in a confused manner as she blew her bubblegum.

Carol began to growl in anger as her eyes lit up in purple, and she turned to Harleen. "Nobody gets to dump me. Hal might have rejected me. But one day, I'll ensure he will be good enough for me! And then he'll be mine, FOREVER!!!" Carol then let out a maniacal laugh.

"Getting off track here, ladies." Selina said, stopping Carol in her delusional fantasy, "Carol's weird toxic obsession aside, we need to find Pam. I can't imagine what would happen to her outside alone."

"I bet this is because of those Super Hero Girls. They probably bumped into Pam and knew what she was about to do and stop her on her track!" the hot-tempered teen Doris Zeul said with anger. "Oh, I swear when I ran into those dweebs, I'm gonna bump their heads so hard, they're not gonna just feel it tomorrow but their whole lives!!"

"No need to immediately point to the obvious culprit, Doris. We must be careful around them, especially since they somehow allied themselves to those mysterious Shadow Warriors," Selina added.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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