Chapter- 2 シ

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Previously on Path of Hate;

"Uh -" Bella turned around and faced Lacey, who shrugged her shoulders. Bella rolled her eyes and flicked her eyes between the phone and Lacey, thinking. Bella began to walk back and forth, not being able to come up with an explanation. "Hello?, you still there?...Bella?~" Lacey got an idea, but it wasn't a good one. She signalled Bella to come sit next to her whilst she whispered something in her ear. Lacey knew it was a terrible idea, but it was worth it. "Kay knight," Lacey whispered. Bella's dark blue eyes went wide at Lacey's answer. "What!?..Are you crazy!?" Bella whispered back.


Narrators Pov シ

Date : 31st October 2023

Time : 8:44 pm

Location : Hill point high school

Walking down the marbled flooring hallway, Lacey couldn't help but feel stares being aimed at the back of her head. She knew what it was about, of course, so she just chose to ignore it. "Lacey! hey!..Lacey?! hello?!" Lacey stopped walking and turned around only to be faced with the one and only, Bryce Hudson.

He wore a dark blue jumper with a plain black t-shirt underneath, The black skinny jeans hugged his legs as he walked constantly through the hallway, his light brown hair falling behind him as he ran up to Lacey. Yeah, he was handsome and all, but he wasn't her type. There's just only one guy Lacey liked, and that was Jaden Morris.

"Hey!, lacey! Did you hear that Brielle and Jaden are together?" Those words, 'Together' constantly played through her mind. Lacey looked down and nodded. Didn't she say she was gonna ignore all the questions coming forth?.

"Yeah, Bryce, I do. How long have you known they've been hooking up?" Lacey asked as the pair began to walk down the marbled flooring hallway as the stares were still being sent her way. Bryce looked at Lacey. Had he forgotten something? Why was she suddenly sad? she fine yesterday after school, Why has her mood suddenly changed?. Bryce chose to ignore his inner thoughts and proceded to answer her question she had just asked. "Since Monday, why?" He stated. As Lacey was about to question his statement she had gotten interrupted and got shoved to the side. "Bryce! Omg! It's so good to see you! I haven't seen you in forever!" There she goes. Maralda once again interrups their conversation. Lacey rolled her eyes. It's always when them too are together chatting she appears out of the blue.

Was she jealous that they were friends? Lacey couldn't give a flying fuck. She didn't care if Maralda was jealous or not. She hated her for all she knew even though she was somewhat friends with the brat. "I saw you yesterday? school?" Bryce exclaimed with a confused expression plastered on his face. Lacey rolls her eyes. "Looks like I'll leave you two alone, I'll see you at break." she ruffled his hair with a smirk and walked away. Bryce was gonna protest but got cut off by the simp next to him. "So.. is she your girlfriend or something?" Bryce rolled his eyes and groaned before continuing walking down the hallway.

It's gonna be a long day.

He's not wrong.

With Lacey シ

Sitting down in her seat, Lacey takes out her notebook for class. She was pretty early, and so was the person sleeping next to her. Being as quiet as possible, Lacey opened her blue notebook and slowly unzipped her pencil case. A deep groan could be heard from next to her. That didn't sound like any girl groan. It had to be a guy. "What time is it?" He spoke, covering his face from the sunlight that shined down upon him. Lacey pulls out her phone and checks the time. "uhm..- 8- 8, uh.. 8:58" Lacey stuttered as she read out the time. "Thanks," He whispered in a sleepy tone to Lacey whilst turning to face her. "Your Lacey, right?" Lacey nodded her head in approval. Did she know him from somewhere? He wasn't at all familiar to her but that all changed when she saw his features. His light blue eyes were familiar as were his dark curly hair, his light brown freckles. Even his facial features were familiar but that wasn't him. It wasn't him "I'm - I'm sorry, do I know you? you look oddly familiar, have we met before?" Lacey asked, her face turned into a confused expression, eye brows nitted. His face seemed to go into realisation. "Oh- shit..sorry, I'm Riley, Riley Morris," She never expected those words to come out from his mouth. He's a Morris. But?.. Jaden doesn't have any siblings. Lacey should know because he had told her when she went over to his house for a sleep over back when she was 9. "i would introduce myself but it already seems you know me?" Lacey asked. His dark brown curls slightly moved back and forth as he nodded. "I've heard quite a lot actually" Riley grinned as he sat up, manspreading, facing the whiteboard that was on the wall Infront of the two.

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