Chapter 4

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Suddenly Miranda woke up still holding Andrea. She looked over at the hanging clock on the wall and it was 5:24. She had the opportunity to go back to her room before Andrea woke up and see her, but she just layed there staring sometimes on the the clock but mostly on Andrea. That woman...she looked so beautiful even when she slept..she looked so fragile so delicate...

Miranda then traveled her hand down at Andrea's belly..then slowly at her hips..and when she moves down to her tighs Andrea pussed her ass more into Miranda, sending triggers down her spine...then it was when she noticed how tiny Andrea's nightgown was and how her light red underwear was showing off. Miranda froze, her eyes glued to Andy's body and she was feeling her arousal burning in desire. She could just bent down and have a taste of that beautiful body...but she was too scared..and that fear slowly snapped her back into reality..what was she doing?! Sleeping in her assistants bed while the other woman was in deep sleep?!(Probably by sleeping pills)

Miranda's heart started beating fast while she got out of bed quietly and went tip toed in her she had gone there last night. She was so mad at herself for leaving this opportunity behind and walking away like a scaredy cat! When she got in her room she didn't let herself collapse..she got into her nice clothes and put her makeup on while returning onto her cold dragon zone.

On the other hand Andrea just woke up. It was around 7 and she felt this weird presence in her room...when she turned around to face her rest of the bed she smelled Miranda's perfume on the sheets..on the pillow...everywhere..
A:"woah I must be going crazy!" She said chuckling while thinking that maybe the Miranda priestly was in her bed.. She then got out of bed and practically dragged herself in the bathroom.

While she was in the shower she was thinking..what if! Miranda was really there...what if they did something together and she didn't remember thanks to the pills?
A:"Andrea stop having false hopes..that could never happen.." She told to herself before she let one tear escape her eye and roll down her cheeck. She then went on with her morning routine to go face Miranda.

When she was ready Andrea went to find Miranda in her room.
Miranda heard the knock on the door and tried to remain her natural self but when she saw Andrea's warm smile and remembered what she saw in the morning she couldn't help but melt down...who can be mad at this girl..she's such a sweetheart! Miranda thought.

A:"good morning Miranda! I thought it would be nice if we work together on the outfits we gonna wear..I need ur help!"

M:"hm of course u need it! U have no sense of fashion nor a style!"

A:"well I think I have changed over the past 9 months working for u Miranda.."

M:"I think u should stop blabbering and start working on those emails while I make some calls to find our dresses..."

Miranda said leaving Andrea sitting on the little sofa typing on her computer aggressively. She walked over at her walk in wardrobe her suite had.

A:"wow..can u believe it Miranda today is our last day in Paris...tomorrow u go out for an goodbye lunch with Donatella, irv, and Nigel I think...and th-"

Miranda cut her off

M:"aren't u coming?"
A:"well if u want me to I would love to..but i thought u wouldn't.."
Miranda made eye contact with Andrea across the room. There was silence. Miranda had one worried look on her face. Where was Andrea gonna go if she didn't come with her? She thought.
A:" well I'm coming with u! It's settled!"
With that Andrea gave a smile at Miranda and she just nodded.

Now they were sitting one across the other looking on they're computers only the sound of the clicking echoed through the room.

M:"Andrea what's planned for tonight?"
Miranda said while still looking at her screen in front of her.

The love affair (a mirandy love story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon