"Ew, don't bring that up!"

I snickered as he swung to hit me but Tadashi had zero training so it was like getting tapped on the shoulder.

Tadashi ripped the rest of his mochi in half and held it out to me.

"Here. Take it, you crybaby."

"No! Now I don't want it!" I huffed, crossing my arms and turning away.

"What?! Take it you brat!"


"Why you little-"

Tadashi grabbed my chin in one hand and shoved the mochi in my mouth the the other. I scrambled to grab it before it fell. He snickered at the glare I sent him as I chewed.

"Youur luffy I'mf ina foodh mood." I said.

"Yup." Tadashi agreed. "I'm luffy you're in a food mood too."

I smacked him as I swallowed. He and I sat there for a little longer in silence, listening to the occasionally silent splash of water from the pond. The pond garden was in the back of the estate, about a football field away and slightly down. The trees were starting to change color, and the air was colder.


"What, jerkface?" I asked absentmindedly.

He pinched me as he kept talking.

"Are you gonna become a slayer like your brother?" He asked.

I paused.

I looked over at his face, which might've looked impassive to anyone, but I could tell he was a little worried.

"I don't know." I said, looking back down at the water. "Dad quit training Yumi because she lacked talent, which is why she never became a slayer. Riku had to. He didn't have a choice, which is how he lost his eye. But me . . . I'm not sure."

That's an actually good question. If I stay out of the plot, there's still a happy ending. It could've been happier without all the deaths that occurred, but there's nothing I could do to change that. I'm an almost-five year old girl with some ability to an extent, but I'm nothing special.

My eyebrows furrowed.

But what? That means I just sit here safe in this mansion while people die? Deaths that I could've helped prevent or avoid entirely but I didn't speak up because what? I'm a coward- 

A hand was placed over mine.

"You're overthinking whatever it is you're thinking in that head of yours." Tadashi murmured. "Just stop. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked. Just sit with me. We'll figure out our future later."

I took a deep breath to calm myself, but a scream pierced through that moment of silence.

Tadashi's hand squeezed mine in fear and we jumped to our feet on instinct.

"What was that?" He asked, voice panicked.

"Like I know!" I hissed, head snapping left and right to find the source.


Tadashi's head perked up at the sound of his father's voice.


"Tadashi, run!"

An explosion rocked the air. It came from the house, burning bright and fire licked the trees and it spread from the center of the estate.

"Oh no, Yumi! Riku!" I shouted.

I let go of Tadashi's hand and sprinted towards the house.

"Rumi, no! Dad said to run-"

メモリ||Memory ~Demon Slayer||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora