Chapter 1- Being Nosey

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Welcome to my book! I hope you enjoy! ❤️

Warnings: not proofread so there might be grammar and spelling errors, swearing, and mentions of killing.


"Matilda, wait for me!"

My best friend, Matilda, or Maddy, just took off running and now I'm chasing after her. She suddenly stops in front of a store window. She turns to me and points to a sign with a very sad look on her face.

"What?" I ask while panting and trying to catch my breath.

"They're permanently closing in two weeks! This is my favorite store!" Maddy exclaims, clearly in distress.

"Well, they probably have a sale going on right now then, right?" I say, trying to look on the bright side of things while trying to fix my hair.

"Yeah, but this is still horrible!"

"Maddy, I'm sorry. Why don't we go in, bye a shit ton of stuff, then like, I don't know tell the store goodbye." I suggest.

"A lady should never use such vulgar language." She says with a horrible British accent.

"...That was weird, Maddy. Let's go inside." I grab her arm and pull her inside the small clothing store.

Once inside we look around for quite a while at clothes. Matilda is a soc, so she's got plenty to spend on a ton of stuff. I didn't bring much money with me but I still like looking around and helping Maddy decide what to get. After a bit, Maddy has gathered quite a few clothing items and we head to the dressing room. I wait outside while she tries on the clothes.

I look around at the walls, the floor, just... anywhere to try to prevent myself from dying of boredom. The dust in the corners of the floor has never been so entertaining.

Two boys and two girls walk in. One of the girls I recognize. She's on the cheer team at our school. Cherry or something like that. Weird name. The other three, I ain't got a clue.

The two girls go into dressing rooms while the boys wait outside. Now, I'm not a nosey person, at least, I try not to be, but when the only thing entertaining you is dust and the creaks in the wall, it's hard not to be. So, when the boys started talking I couldn't stop my ears from listening.

"The Winston kid is getting on my nerves." Said the blonde boy. "Always hitting on my girl and shit."

Was he talking about Dallas Winston? I've heard of him.

"Yeah, I can't stand him. I still think it's him who slashed my tires, I mean, who else would?" The black-haired boy said.

"I think it's about time we finally put the dirty greaser in his place." The blonde one says with a menacing grin. Oh, so he's one of those socs.

I can't stand those people, the ones that hate on greasers for no good reason. They didn't choose to grow up poor ya know? The whole greaser vs. soc thing is a bunch of bullcrap. It's weird, dumb, pointless. Makes me glad I'm middle-class.

Another thing about me, I just moved to Tusla a little over a month ago. Matilda I know because my mother is friends with her mother. We moved from a more rural part of Oklahoma but it wasn't too far of a drive.

But anyway, what were the guys talking about? Hurting some greaser.

"I always see him at that Dingo place." The black-haired one said.

Oh hey, I work there! I'm not sure I've ever seen Dallas Winston there though. Maybe there's another Winston kid?

"Nah, I don't wanna jump a greaser where there's going to be 20 other grease." Said the blonde one. "Maybe.. the drive-in? That's where he's always hitting on Cherry."

Ah, this must be Cherry's boyfriend.

"Okay, when? We tryin' to kill him?" The black-haired one asks.

WOAH. HOLD ON. KILL? I suddenly feel very unsafe. I mean, jumping was bad already but KILLING? God, I gotta warn this kid or something. Could Matilda go any slower?

"Eh.. let's do it next Saturday and if he's not there, the next Saturday after that. And... yeah sure. We fucked up his friend and that didn't scare him." The blonde one shrugs.


I want to tell Matilda to hurry up but then they'll hear me. I don't know if they know I'm here. I mean, they must, I'm pretty close. They must have thought I couldn't hear them then.

Suddenly Matilda comes out holding all the clothes.

"I'm buying them all." She says.


♡End of chapter 1♡

Word count- 750 sorry it's kinda short. It felt longer while typing it 😭

Sorry Dallas isn't in this 😭


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