2. The Sun

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James Potter

August 1971.

Potter Manor

James Fleamont Potter I. The only son of Fleamont and Euphemia Potter. The cherished, miracle child. The heir of the Potter family and fortune, born on the 27th of March 1960. The boy with the smile so bright that it could light up even the darkest souls.

There was a reason behind his title of a miracle child. James' parents had been trying their whole lives to have a baby. They loved each other and had everything a person could wish for: money, status, respect, power, beautiful house..., but, to them, all of those things seemed grey and sad without being able to have a baby. It was like having the perfect life with a gloomy cloud above their heads, a cloud that never seemed to go away. They were so desperate that, in one period of time, they thought that Merlin himself had cursed them.

When it was confirmed that Euphemia was pregnant it was like the Sun had peaked through the clouds. Like its rays warmed their hearts and the grey colors finally disappeared forever, leaving only brightness and happiness.

Even though Fleamont and Euphemia were in their forties, they felt like teenagers again. The giddy felling never seemed to leave them, nor did their happiness. Of course, now in 1971. it was intertwined with fear and stress, but the happiness was always able to overpower the negative emotions.

Being parents was like a dream come true for them so, naturally, James was spoiled to no end. He loved playing Quidditch and had a collection of brooms, signed Snitches, Bludgers and Quaffles. All his collectors' items were displayed proudly in his bedroom along with posters of his favorite team, Chudley Cannons. Fleamont was very proud when James showed interest in being a Chaser like his father, but Euphemia, as the former Seeker, was a bit salty. Maybe the reason was the ten galleons she had to give Fleamont, but she insisted that it was just the matter of principals.

When it came to James, he always knew what he wanted, to become a professional Quidditch player that is, and knew that he will do it. It was a bit arrogant, but that was the charm of James Potter. Arrogant, full of restless energy, sometimes annoying, but all those personality traits could be put aside the moment you looked into his heart. He really was like the Sun, able to brighten the whole galaxy with his kindness, compassion and selflessness. The famous quote Euphemia would use every time he acted like a little troublemaker was, "You are lucky that you have that kind heart of yours.", and it really was the truth. If he was starving and had one loaf of bread, James would share it.

The only thing James knew he will never get was a sibling and, ironically, that was the one thing he wanted the most. He knew that he was lucky to have all of those brooms, posters and Snitches, but he never had anyone to share it with. He wanted someone to play with, talk to and laugh with other than his parents. Yes, he had friends, but it wasn't that kind of bond.

Usually, he was a bit of a menace, even he could admit that, but today, today James is going to be the best child on this earth because today his parents are taking him to Diagon Alley. He went there a lot of times of course, but this trip was special. James Potter was going to Ollivanders to get his wand. A real wand! That is probably the only thing Fleamont and Euphemia would not buy him even if he begged them on his knees and promised them to never do another prank again. Although, even if he tried doing that, the never again part was, realistically, a couple of days.

James woke up at the crack of dawn. While putting glasses on, he was trying to remember what was the reason for him setting the clock this early, but then it hit him. The Diagon Alley.

Hurriedly, he got ready and made his way down the stairs. The Potter Manor was massive, but somehow still cozy and welcoming. While going down the stairs he stopped to look at two familiar pictures hanging on the wall.

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