It was beautiful and it would look great. I wore it for moms' sake because she wanted me to get along with my dad. I destroyed my room looking for a necklace I used to wear all the time. It was silver and it had little hanging strips of blue jewels that were the same color as the dress. After ten minutes of finding it, putting it on, and fixing my hair. I had only ten minutes left.

"Oh shit," I said as I started to run. I wasn't a fast runner but I was now. I ran throughout the house cleaning everything up and finding a pair of shoes. I was done in five minutes. How did I do that in five minutes? I remember William talking to me about how Shinigami's are extremely fast. They usually develop their speed when they are a full reaper but for some reason I was gaining speed now. I finally finished everything as I grabbed my black mini handbag and sat on my ugly green couch. I plopped on there and sighed as I readjusted my glasses and got comfortable. A minute before 6 I heard a knock at the door. I got up slowly as my heels clicked on the tiled floors as I tripped on a broken one and almost hit the door face forward. Smooth. I walked back while looking at the floor and opened the door, my face red.

Ronald just stared as I opened the door and smiled. "Hello? Anybody home?" I said as I chuckled and patted Ronald's head. He seemed like he enjoyed what he saw.

He snapped out of the trance as he said, "Oh hello, ____. I came to escort you to the date we have planned," as he said in a cheesy fake accent like he always used to make me laugh.

He took my hand as he quickly looked over my shoulder at my-now- cleaned apartment and walked me out the door and closed it behind us. We walked outside and he looked down.

"What's the matter?" I said, confused as to why he looked sad now.
"I sort of don't have a ride so we're going to have to run. Least I can stare at your legs as we RUN!"

Ronald said as he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the restaurant.

"YOU ARE INSANE!" I said as I was breaking my heels every step.
"I know! But still! It is fun, isn't it?" He said as he was running.
"NO! I am not a runner!" I said.

"Sure you aren't," he said as he winked and then crashed into a stop at the front of the restaurant.

After the few minutes of us panting in front of the restaurant, we walked inside, his arm around me up to the rooftop of the place. It was bloody cold outside, but it was really nice.

I obviously looked cold since he started slipping off his blazer.

He lightly lifted my weak arms and put his coat on and managing to put his arms around me and hold me for a moment. "Keeping you warm, my dear," he said as he chuckled and slid my seat back as I scooted forward in it. He slid into his seat with no noise and we automatically started talking.

We talked a lot after we ordered our drinks and food. I felt like I knew him forever even though I haven't even had known him for a week. Nothing was awkward and he didn't seem like he was on a script like he usually was when flirting with women. I saw him flirt with a woman at another part of Dispatch when he was showing me around and I must say, it was extremely false. This felt nothing like that.

When the date was over we walked-thank god- to my apartment. He had his arm around me as he was freezing and I had his blazer on. In the middle of our slow walk I slipped my arm that was closest to his side out of the jacket and wrapped my arm around him with the jacket so he could get a little more warmth. He may be strong and fast but he wasn't a guy who could be able to survive a harsh winter.

When we walked upstairs to my apartment I felt my legs were on fire from how painful my legs felt. I never took off those heels though. Whenever I wear heels I think of marriage. You stick until the end. And I did just that. When we got up to my doorway I turned around to look at him. I thanked him for what he had done for me. This probably wasn't a real date, it was just some flirtation but to be as friends.

"Thanks for the time we had. I really appreciate you taking me under your wing and everything and taking me out to be nice. Well, I'll see you on Monday, Ronald," I said when I was reaching for the doorknob. When I said that Ronald smashed his hand against the door. I jumped a little and replied to the sound,

"Ah! What is the matter?!"

"Why did you think that I took you out to be nice?" He said with a stern look on his face.

"Well no one usually takes me out so early unless they're drunk and I'm a fallback. You actually took me out and you're not a moron or emotionally in need of someone because of a breakup," I replied with a sigh.

I tried to open the door but his hand was still on it. I looked confused. I tried to open it again but his strength grew stronger.

"I don't just take out girls to be nice to them or to be a kind person I don't take out anybody. I'm a nice guy but I don't. I have money because I work and I get no overtime because I need to impress. I took you out because I like you and you're not a bimbo like the other girls," he said with disgust in his voice,

"now don't say that guys will just take you out because you're a fallback since you're not," he said as he poked my nose and smoothly grabbed me by the waist and hugged me. He held me in his arms and kissed the top of my head.

Why did he kiss the top of my head? What the hell is wrong with him?

He let go and I apologized. I opened the door and he grabbed my hand while I was in the doorway.

"Huh? Did I forget something or," I said as I was being interrupted into me being pulled forward into a kiss.

I melted.

I have never melted into a man until today. I let him hold me as I wrapped my arms around him. He let go again and smiled.

I smiled back and we laughed out of embarrassment.

"I broke the code," he said.
"Yes you did," I replied with a smirk.
"Same time next week? I promise it'll be fun. Also you won't have to wear heels, it will be casual," he said as he came up and hugged me.
"That will be great. I can't wait," I said as I let go and went inside my apartment as I said goodbye.
I ran into my room and threw my shoes into my room and quickly took my clothes off and went into comfy pajamas.

I washed my face and I tied up my hair and fell into my bed. I had a great night.

A night I won't forget. Ah, this was a great Saturday. I will never forget it.

A Story That Can't Be Forgotten (REAPERS X READER FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now