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Authors note:
Just to let you know-.. this one is probably going to be longer than usual because i am super bored- so- enjoy an extra long chapter!

Crow: Caw Caw! Muichiro, Giyuu, and Sabito head to the Blossom forest! There has been a demon lurking about!
Caw! Caw! Hurry Hurry!

Sabito: A mission? About time-..

Giyuu: Oh shut up sabito 🤦‍♀️

Muichiro: Where are we going again..?

Giyuu: The blossom forest.

Muichiro: The what..?

Sabito: You'll know when we get there...

Muichiro: okay....

-when they arrive at the forest-

Sabito: Where is this demon?

Muichiro: I don't know.

Sabito: I know you don't know.

Giyuu: Then why are you asking us?

Sabito: I'm asking myself!

Giyuu: You don't know either.

Sabito: Not true! I'm smarter than you! So I can find it quicker.

Muichiro: 5 x 0 is still 0.

Giyuu: Pffft.....


Muichiro: -goes and hides behind giyuu-

Giyuu: Bad sabito.

Demon: Well well? What do we have here?

Giyuu pov: Huh? A lower moon? He looks like a wimp.

Demon: Wh-wha- I can read minds you  know-...

Giyuu: Oh. well it's true. You look like a wimp.

Muichiro: I agree with onii-Chan.

Sabito: Good for you.

Demon charges at them.

Sabito: Game on! -cuts demons neck off-

Demon: huh..? What..? no.. no..! UGHH!

Sabito: Brat.

-they continue to kill some more demons in the forest and about 2 hours later they finally finish-

Sabito: ugh- are any of you hurt?

Muichiro: I'm fine. I don't know about giyuu though.

Giyuu: just a few small cuts is all.

Sabito: Okay. Are they patched up?

Giyuu: Yeah.

Sabito: Okay.

-Muichiro looks at the both of them-

Muichiro: Are y'all like a thing..? Or-

Sabito: What!? No!

Muichiro: Oh so not yet?

Giyuu: NOT YET??

Muichiro: y'all look like a happy family.

Giyuu: What!?

Sabito: do not!

Muichiro: do to.

Sabito: ugh! Let's just head back.

-they all head back. The whole way back sabito and giyuu are pretty red. Muichiro still isn't convinced they aren't a couple.-

Giyuu: Where back.. finally... so tired....
-giyuu yawns-

Sabito: Sleepy head. Wait where did Muichiro go?

Giyuu: oh his estate was on the way to ours so he is at home right now.

Sabito: Oh. Well let's go and get something to eat after cleaning up?

Giyuu: Sure.

-giyuu and sabito go to their rooms and put on more comfortable clothes. Giyuu puts his sisters bow in his hair too.-

Sabito: -knocks on his door-  giyuu are you ready?

Giyuu: I'm almost done!

-after a minute or so he goes to open the door-

Giyuu: Let's go.

Sabito: Okay.

-they start walking-

Sabito: So where do you want to eat?

Giyuu: Hmmmm..... I feel like udon.. or sushi.. or daikon.

Sabito: Of course you are-

Giyuu: -smiles sweetly-

-sabito looks at his smile and looks away blushing slightly-

Giyuu: Hm? Are you alright?

Sabito: I'm fine.. let's go and get some udon.

Giyuu: Okay!

-They continue on their walk into town to an udon restaurant-

~end for now~

SabiGiyu On CrackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora