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Bold is Reese
Italics is Jasper



You know I hate when you call me that

And you know I don't care, how've you been?!

The usual you know. How's your diet going, still kickin?

Of course and you should try it, animal blood is actually healthier you know

Yeah yeah it's always the same, I'll let you know when I actually listen

Right. Anyways, how's Alice?

She's good too. I actually called because we were wondering if you could help us out

Ok you know I'll always do what I can so what is it?

It's the Volturi again... we may need to fight them and we need all the help we can get

It's been a minute since I fought ya know?

That's why we called so soon, it's not for another few weeks so we're rounding up for training

Alright. When do you need me there?

As soon as possible really

I'll let you know when I'm coming

(Haha coming!) Sorry that was Rose of course

Haha tell her I said hi and I'll talk to you later Jaspy

Alright see you later Caroline

Fuck you

Jasper is one of Reese's oldest friends. He was there to help her transition when she was turned. Therefore, she would do any and everything for him in return. Although he never asked for much which made her more eager to help. She had no problem getting there or helping them out but she did somehow need to tell Cordelia.

She didn't want to tell her about her being a vampire yet so unfortunately she'd have to lie. It would be better to do it sooner rather than later so they could talk in person. The time passed rather quickly and Reese had already moved everything into the house. Afterwards, she decided to call Cordelia and tell her they needed to talk.


Hey, witchy

Well hi there

Whatcha doin?

Nothing really, just some boring paperwork. Why what's up?

Can I come over?

Of course! You don't have to ask... is something wrong?

No I just want to see you is all

Oh ok... come whenever

I'll be there soon

Reese immediately got to her car and began the short drive to the academy. Even though she had said it was nothing, Cordelia could tell in her tone that something was up. She made herself a cup of tea to settle her nerves as she waited. She was jolted from her thoughts by a knock on the door.

Before she could even move, Reese was in the door and walking towards her. "I know something is wrong so just tell me" Cordelia pleads as Reese comes closer. "Well hello to you too" Reese says making herself a cup of tea as well. "Hi... sorry that was rude" Cordelia says looking into her cup as she swirls it.

"It's ok, don't apologize, you're right. I do have something to tell you but it's not necessarily bad" Reese explains. Cordelia looks into her eyes to show her she is intently listening. "I have to go away for a bit, I'm not sure how long yet. My aunt is sick and I'm the only one that can care for her" Reese lies.

Cordelia immediately puts down her cup and pulls Reese into her arms. Even though it's a simple show of affection Reese tenses a bit before relaxing. "It's really ok, we're not even that close" Reese says after pulling away. "Still, I'm sorry" Cordelia says sincerely and Reese nods. "So you don't have a timeframe or..." Cordelia trail questioningly.

"Not really, it could be anywhere from a month to 2 or 3" Reese responds truthfully because she doesn't know. "Ok" Delia says sadly and Reese realizes her change in mood of course. "I'll call whenever I can and text when I can't call" she reassures the blonde. "You don't have to-" Delia starts, "nonsense, it'll be a little escape anyways" Reese interrupts.

Cordelia smiles softly at the clear effort Reese is making to make her feel better. "When do you leave?" Cordelia asks hoping to spend some time with her. "Tomorrow" Reese grimaces apologetically as she watches Delia's face fall. "And you just now told me?" Delia asks shocked, "well I only just found out myself and they want me there as soon as possible" Reese answers.

"Alright. Well, I'll see you later I guess" Delia says trying to hide her sadness. "We still have the day... we can do anything you want" Reese says. Even though she's not supposed to be in the sun, she'll do it for Cordelia. "Can we just- can you hold me?" Delia asks vulnerably, silently preparing for rejection. "Of course" Reese says and Delia happily leads her to her room.

The two lay down and embrace each other, Delia eventually falling asleep peacefully. Reese sits and admires her state, face completely relaxed, her soft pink lips slightly parted. Cordelia truly is a beauty and Reese feels lucky to be able to partake in it. The time flies as she just watches her sleep and it comes time for her to leave.

She lightly shakes the blonde in an attempt to wake her. After a few tries she finally stirs, Reese couldn't bear the thought of leaving while she was asleep. "Hmm" Cordelia says as she wraps her arms tighter around the brunette. "I have to go" Reese whispers and Delia's eyes snap open towards her.

"Ok" Delia says sadly, looking into glimmering green eyes. Reese looks back at her dark brown eyes and sees nothing but pain. It hurts her to be the one making her feel this but she doesn't have much of a choice. They hug each other one more time before Reese leaves and drives back home. She gets her things and starts the journey wasting no time in getting there so she can be back quickly.

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