Chapter 1

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"Tiffany, stop mooning over hot actors and help me look for a job, damn it!" I complained.

My name is Zia Allero, and my best friend/roommate, Tiffany Sparks, is the girl I am currently shouting at. We've been best friends since our college years, and while we normally spend Wednesday nights ogling over our beloved actors, I really needed a new job ever since I got cut from my journalism gig.

"Oh my gosh, you're such a buzzkill. Fiiiiiine, I'm coming." Flipping her wavy, recently dyed red hair, Tiffany came to my side to check out the newspaper articles. The two of us kept at it for a bit before I shot up like a rocket, spotting something.

"Oh, oh! I got something! A marketing job advertisement for a gaming company! Disc N' Deals, it's called."

Taking the paper from me, Tiffany pursed her lips before biting them with a furrowed brow. "I don't know, sweetie, you've never worked in a gaming community. It might not be as chill as you're thinking it is."

"True, but I do have a degree in software engineering and marketing directive. I really think this place will be good for me."

"Well, I won't stop you, but don't say I didn't warn you."

Excited, I sent out a resume for the job offer. Once I did, confusion spread out in my body and especially my head, making me need to sit, though I slipped and landed on the floor with a crash.

A few years back, I was in a car accident that ended with damage to the temporal section of my brain. The car was demolished, and Tiffany was the one to drag me out of the car and stay with me during my recovery. While I've recovered well, I have memory lapses and confusion that rises to the occasion, specifically when my emotions are high. Along with that major injury, I have lost about 60% of my leg sensation as my legs were pinned under the engine, which had fallen into my lap.

I don't remember much from before college or early college due to the damage to my brain, so I've depended on my family and Tiffany to fill me in.

"Sweetie! Are you okay?" Feeling Tiffany's manicured hands lift me up, I slowly came to my feet, rubbing my head.

"Y, yeah, I'm fine. Just got a bit too excited, is all."

My phone dinged nearby, so after sitting down on the bed, I checked it tiredly from the drainage of emotions, and my eyes bulged at what I saw.


Looking up at Tiffany's worried face, I gave a tired smile after replying with 'yes'. "Sounds like I have an interview tomorrow with the chairman."

"I'm happy for you babe, just be careful, alright?"

"Psh, I'm always careful."

With that, we went back to watching our movie and eating our hot, instant noodles. I was so excited, I couldn't wait for tomorrow to come.

When the sun rose again, I dressed in my best navy suit with a tan tie and black dress shoes. I put my curly hair into a bun at the top of my head and decided to just go with my usual rectangle mauve glasses instead of contacts.

Grabbing extra resumes and my portfolio, I head out the door, letting Tiffany sleep in. Luckily, as it was only a 15-minute drive, I made it with plenty of time and went in 10 minutes early.

Walking in, I saw the game store was pristine and friendly with neon signs, an old school style arcade, a claw machine, and a few vendors beside the mountains of gaming catalogs and rows of games.

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