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After Meliodas and I rejoined the group, he decided to head into the tower on the left with King. "What happened?" Zeldris asked after he interlocked his fingers with mine and kissed the back of my hand. I smiled softly, "He was in agony in his trial, I could feel it so I went to save him from himself." He turned to face me and pulled my body into his, sliding one of his hands in my hair at the base of my neck, "You're amazing, you know that?" he whispered then kissed my lips sweetly. I was lost in him and didn't notice that Jenna had yelled for Meliodas and King to come out of the cave until my blonde lover yanked me away from his brother. He turned me around in his arms and twirled me around in a circle then kissed me deeply, I heard Zeldris scoff in annoyance, making me giggle. Meliodas sat me down then pulled away, "I don't know what I'd do without you." I grinned in response and kissed his nose, "Let's get your power back." He giggled and looked towards Jenna, "You heard my sálufélagi, give me my power back!"

Jenna brought out a large goddess amber filled with black, the Holy Knights gasped at the size of it. "That's Meliodas' power?!" Howzer exclaimed, making me giggle. "It was difficult to contain," Merlin commented. "Are you ready, Meliodas?" Jenna asked, not convinced my lover had done away with his emotions but knew he'd be needed to defeat the demon clan invasion. Meliodas grinned, "Ready!" She shattered the goddess amber, the darkness inside spread across the entire sky and mimicked the black of night, then Jenna directed it into Meliodas' body. He doubled over then started laughing maniacally, the others around him were tense but I could feel he was pulling their legs. "Just kidding!" he giggled at their irritated and shocked faces when he stood up. I walked up to him and smiled, "Feel better?" He hummed, "It's strange for it to be back all at once but it feels good!" He then turned to Merlin, "Send us over to the Commandments, I wanna have a chat with them!" Zeldris had joined us by now and scoffed, "I have no interest in playing your childish games, Meliodas. We can take them down here and now. Use your Assau-" Meliodas clamped his hand over his brother's mouth, the latter shoved the blonde's hand away from his face, "What the fuck was that for?!" he growled.

"So, I see you've come to have a family reunion, brothers," Estarossa greeted his brothers, "Vipin! I heard you opened your legs to our older brother as well. Couldn't help yourself, could you?" The three of us glared at him, knowing he was intentionally provoking us as best he could. "Cut the shit, Estarossa. We're here to give you all a warning. As you can plainly see, Zeldris is with Vipin and I. You have no chance, forget your petty revenge or suffer the consequences," Meliodas threatened. Estarossa scoffed, "You may be Meliodas the Destroyer and Zeldris the Executioner but you've both gone soft thanks to that whore of a fairy between the two of you. Like mother like daughter, am I right?" I couldn't contain my rage any longer and stabbed him in the torso with a thick thorny vine, he coughed up blood everywhere. Galand and Melascula jumped down to attack but we disappeared before they reached us.

Angry tears trickled down my cheeks as I dropped to my knees when we arrived in Istar, "Vip!" both brothers exclaimed and immediately dropped down with me. "What's wrong?" Zeldris asked sweetly as he tilted my chin up so my mulberry eyes met his bright green ones. "They know it can't be helped! Is it going to be like this with everyone?" I choked out, it hurt me immensely that I was being judged for something out of my control. It wasn't fair and it was like being judged for being half-demon all over again. Zeldris pulled me into a tight hug, "Anyone who hurts you will be facing me, don't worry about what other's think." He kissed my forehead before letting me go, Meliodas cupped my face in his hands, "I'll burn down the world for you, Vipin, and anyone who has a problem with our relationship will face my wrath." He kissed me passionately then strangled me in a hug. Someone cleared their throat from behind us, we were ignoring the audience we had after we'd arrived back in Istar. I wiped my tears away and sniffled as Meliodas helped me to my feet, Zeldris put an arm around my waist to comfort me further. "What did you do, Captain?" King asked as we faced the group. Zeldris rolled his eyes and answered before his brother could, "Antagonized them because he can't help himself."

The Other Guy (Zeldris x OC x Meliodas)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang