Dig! Delight! Direct...!

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"Hello, everyone!" Esora made the puppet say, its little green arms waving excitedly.

"Just in case there are any... accidents. We have the Esorambluence!" Nagisa declared proudly.

"What's with the frog puppet, and why is Shinobu...?" Tsubaki began in deadpan.

"Announcer!" Nagisa replied, beaming broadly. "She and Yuka and Esoran are going to broadcast and narrate some of our adventures since they have to keep an eye on us anyway! Shino's in her reporter outfit! That's what the mic and Yuka's cam are for! And Esoran's the cohost!"

Once again, Tsubaki could only sigh quietly, but as embarrassing and extra as Nagisa could be, the vocalist could not deny the growing, twisting feeling in her stomach. So, this was really, really happening... They were all about to race through the streets together! Now, it wasn't actually going to be a race—a rare, responsible Nagisa was quite adamant about being acutely aware of the new riders—but the excitement that filled the air was still intense, and even Tsubaki wasn't immune.

"All right, everyone, are we ready?!" Nagisa finally asked, strapping on her element, engine roaring to life. Man, I will NEVER get riders who don't wear THESE babies! She grinned. Maybe some people thought the helmets were clunky, ugly, and stupid, but Nagisa disagreed. Aside from the safety factor, if one had enough creative and dramatic flare, they could make their helmets every bit as awesome, customized, and flashy as the bikes and chain-studded leather jackets they wore!

And that rumbling, purring engine? Sweet, sweet music! Nagisa revved the engine again just for good measure, feeling the solid grip of the handlebars beneath her touch. Grinning from ear to ear, once she could see in her rearview mirror that all of the rest of her riders were suited up and ready to go, she raised a fist in the air to begin the final countdown. "Dig! Delight! Direct...!"

"DRIVE!" Every voice, even the five in the ambulance, bellowed out in delight as the motorcycles shot off down the empty city street.


"Woo-hoo-hoo-HOOOO!" The noise Towa made was halfway between a laugh and a cheer as she reveled in the wind rushing past her. Racing parallel to her, except several lanes over, Rika made the same noise, even lifting her hands off the handlebars to stretch them out as if they were wings. Towa wasn't quite so bold just yet, but the adrenaline from being on a real motorcycle that she controlled was truly out of this world!

Riding with Nagisa was fun, and the bike for the Cyber Police film was cool, but the former meant all she had to do was sit back and relax, and the latter could only hit about 50KPM. This bike though...? Towa laughed again, even throwing her head back a little as she easily hit 70KPM and kept going. She reached her intersection seconds before Rika, but only because Rika's was a little farther down the road. They flashed each other thumbs ups as they came to screeching halts in the middle of the road.

Gah! This is so SURREAL! In any other context, Ibuki would've absolutely laid into her for so many traffic violations, but today, she was immune to all of it. Today, she was supposed to block traffic! And sure enough, cars were already pulling into the lanes blocked by Rika and Towa, confused as to their presences smack in the middle of the road. But silent questions were answered only a few more seconds later as the rest of the biker gang went roaring through. First was Nagisa, then Aoi, then Hayate, then Tsubaki, then Miiko, then Hiiro, then the Peaky Esorambulance.

Rika waved excitedly as they barreled by, and as soon as Hiiro sped past, but before Peaky caught up, she flashed another thumbs up at Towa and they both took off once more, giggling and shrieking with delight, quickly leaving a small crowd of confused cars in their wave.

Dig! Delight! Direct...!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz