"Thomas I know we have never seen eye to eye but we have to fake it," he said, "I'll fake it, but not because I'm doing it for you, I just don't want to see gramps hurt knowing the truth," Tommy said.

"As long as you fake it I don't care the reason," he said. Thomas nodded slightly, staying in his stance as his father went over to where he was supposed to be.

His grandfather entered the room with two gared with him. "Thomas! My precious grandson how are you?" He asked hugging the younger, he got out of his stance and hugged him back. "I'm good gramps, how are you? How's your heart?" He asked, his grandfather had a heart attack a few months before, he pulled away and smiled at him.

"My heart fine, so am I," he said, the kid nodded and smiled. He went up to the king, "Reginald, I assume your doing well?" He asked shaking the hand of his son-in-law more known as the king. "Correct as always sir, come the chefs must be done with dinner," he said. So they went to the dining room. The king sat on the end, as Thomas and his grandfather sat next to him on either side.

There meals where sat in front of them and they started eating in silence. "Thomas how are your studies going?" Asked his grandfather, he takes online courses. "Good I'm getting straight A's and next week I'm getting an award for solving a math problem that the last 3 generations of school haven't been able to solve," he said.

"That's impressive, Reginald you must be so proud," his grandfather said, "I am," the king said. Tommy picked at his food a bit. "Is everything alright?" Asked his grandfather, "yea, just I don't really eat meat, makes me feel sick," Thomas said, "oh, your father didn't mention that to the chefs?" He asked confused looking over at the king.

When planing the meal they tried informing the king about the kids dietary needs but he blew them off so they just had to make what there told.

"I must have forgotten to inform the chefs to make something else for you," his father said knowing dam well he didn't know about that. Thomas shrugged, "it's fine I'll go make myself something later," he said. "No no, here want me to call the chefs to ask them to prepare you something else?" Asked his grandfather. "No it's alright gramps, I'll just eat what I have it's fine," Thomas said.

"Not if it will make you sick, Reginald tell your son he doesn't need to eat that," hey grandfather said. "He's rigth, you don't need to eat that, let me go talk to the chef," the king said getting up, Tommy smiled nervously as he left.

"Now how come the chefs don't know about your dairy restitutions?" Asked his grandfather. "They must have forgotten, it's been quite busy with father having meetings over dinner and lunch lately, it must have slipped there minds," Thomas said, it wasn't a lie it has been quiet busy around here and hectic for the chefs but he knew it wasn't the reason.

"Ah alright, we'll if there anything going on around here and you need a break you can always call me, I can take you out for a day around the town," his grandfather said, Tommy smiled and nodded. "That sound fun, il'd love to one day," he said, he's never left the castle grounds, maybe his father will be less likely to say no if it was with gramps.

Soon a replacement meal they made in advance was out in front of him, they hoped at some point the king will come asking. "Sorry about that, we had this made but forgot to send it out and just made you a plate of the other dish instead," said one of the chefs.

"Thank you," Thomas said. The rest of the dinner went well and soon his grandfather had to leave. Once goodbye where said he was sent back to his room due to the king having another meeting in 30 minutes.

He signed going into his room, he put his new crown on his bed and he changed out his fancy prince attire and into regular clothes. He went into his closet witch was a walk in closet he decorated as a room, he streams in his free time witch is practically when ever he doesn't have school. He liked doing it, it was honestly the only time he could feel like a normal kid, when he hangs out with his online friends as they stream.

He opened the group chat and seen they where in the call, ready for there squedualled stream. "Hey guys," he said entering the call, "Tommy! How are you?" Asked Wilbur. "I'm good! Oh and guess what they sqedualed the award ceremony!" Tommy said happily.

"Is it in person or online because we would love to show up!" Phil said. "In person but I think I might not make it, I'll show up online", Tommy said.

"What, Tommy this is big, you have to show up," techno said, "it's just a school award it's not that big," Tommy said. "No Tommy your in an amazing school that only supper snart kids can get into, plus a school award is still a big thing even if you weren't in a school for smart kids" Phil said. Tommy shrugged. "My dad not big on letting me leave the house," Tommy said.

He told them his dad is a big germaphobe so he can't leave the house much. "He can't have you all cooped up forever, you have a life you deserve to live," said Phil.

"I'll talk to him but I'm not sure if I could go, anyways are we going to start streaming?" Tommy asked. They agreed and started streaming. A hour into the stream there was a knock on his door he barely heard. "I'll be right back," Tommy's said muteing his stream and discord and turning off his camera for both, he left the closet and opened the door where the king was standing.

He looked at Tommy's clothes kind of disgusted. "Your grandfather just messaged me asking if he can come to your award ceremony" the king said. Tommy looked at him puzzled. "He's getting suspicious, you can show up to the awards ceremony, but you have to keep under the wraps who you are, your grandfather agreed to not mention your royalty, knowing its best to now draw attention onto you," he said.

Tommy looked at him shocked. "Wait, what? Dose gramps want me to dress like everyone else or does he expect me to still dress fancy?" Asked Tommy. "Your dress casually, but not like that, I'll get a butler to plan out your outfit, if he asked why I'm not there tell him it's to not draw attention, now you better behave", he said.

"Aren't you proud of me?" Tommy asked teary eyed. "No," the king said turning away and walking off. He stood there trying to compose himself, closing the door. He wiped his tears and then went back to his stream.

His friends could tell he was off, it was obvious to them but the stream couldn't tell.

Once Tommy unmuted from ending his streams his friends thought to ask what happened. "What happened mate, you left and came back acting off, are you alright?," Phil asked. "I'm fine," he said. "Tommy your not," Phil said. "Dadza your proud of me for getting this award right?" Tommy asked.

All of there hearts sunk, it must be something to do with Tommy's dad, he's always been wary of the subject, trying to change it, he's always had an attachment to his online family as if he doesn't have one. Expressly when it came to Phil.

"Of course Tommy, I'm supper proud!" Phil said, Tommy's father must not, that must be what happened. Tommy smiled wide, they could see, his camera was on. "Cool, my dad said I can go to the cemetery by the way," Tommy said.

"Will he be there?" Asked Wilbur nevervous for the answer, Tommy smile snuck, "uh, no but that's ok my grandfather will be, he's the one who convinced my dad to let me go," Tommy said happily, they nod sadly.

"We can't wait to be there for you Tommy," techno said. He was flying in to be at Tommy's awards ceremony, plus to meet up with the others. They knew Tommy wouldn't be able to go due to him telling them that, but he was so glad he will at least see Tommy irl at least once.

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