Saving and Becoming Closer

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🥦Midoriya Izuku:🥦
I sat on a bench near the biggest tree at the park, looking at my journals.

"AHHHHH!" A scream grabbed my attention. And, upon realizing who it belonged to, I ran to them.

Mineta was trying to grab her, but, before I realized, I gave a kick that sent him flying. "Are you alright, Shindo?" She looked up at me, eyes full of tears. "Please don't cry."

"Huh? I'm--" She reached a hand up to her cheeks. "Crying? I g-guess it upset m-me more than I-I thought." Her body began to shake and the tears flowed

I wrapped my arms around her and patted her back. Just like my mom used to do for me when I cried. "It's alright now."

💥Bakugo Katsuki:💥
"Shut up, idiots!" The walk from the arcade was ridiculously obnoxious.

"Come on, Bakugo! Lighten up!" Kirishima wrapped an arm around my neck. "Haha, gotta get home! Bye!" I was about to go off on him, but he let go and ran off.

Soon after that, Kaminari and Sero went home too. "Finally some--"

"Let me go!"

(What the fuck?! That's Yagi's voice!)

"Didn't you hear her, you piece of shit?! She said to let her go!" I made an explosion to scare him off.

"Bakugo!" She called out to me.

The man grabbed Yagi's hair and threw her to the ground. "Take it easy, man. I don't want a bitch like her anyway." He backed up, before turning and running away.

I walked over, yelling at her. "What the hell were you doing, just letting him do that?!" I was going to continue yelling at her, but she looked up at me with tears running down her face. "Wha-- Why are you crying?!"

I crouched next to her and she jumped on me, knocking me on my ass. "You have not a d-damn idea just how f-fucking scared I w-was!"

"G-Get off me, blondie!" I didn't know what to do and tried to push her off of me.

"H-He was so much s-stronger than I was and I-I couldn't escape!" She hugged me tighter. "I-I don't know what I w-would've done if you h-hadn't stopped him! Y-You're my hero, Bakugo!"

When Yagi called me her hero, I knew my face was red. I wrapped my arms around her small body. "Tch, whatever."

🔥Todoroki Shoto:❄️
I watched quietly as Kaminari followed (L/n) around the dorm loudly shaking a pair of rattles.

"Come on, Kaminari. Stop, please!"

She began hitting her head on the coffee table. "That isn't going to help your headache."

"I know."

I walked over and took the rattles, freezing them. "Todoroki! Give 'em back, man!"

I went back to (L/n) and lifted her up. "Todoroki?"

"You should rest when you're not feeling well." I placed her on her bed and put my right hand against her forehead.

"I'm not sick, Todoroki. Kaminari was just giving me a headache. I do appreciate you getting him to stop though."

Kirishima Eijiro:
I had gotten a call from (L/n) but it turned out be her older sister using the phone. "Hi, sorry to bother you, but will you come over? Because my sister's about to do something stupid."

"Sure, just give me a moment."

With my phone in my pocket and my shoes on, I raced over to the large property. When I arrived, (L/n) was on the roof looking at a pile of mattresses on the ground. "What are you doing up there?!"

"Hey, Kirishima!" She greeted me.

"Will you please be ready to help if something goes wrong?"

"Of course." I nodded to the oldest of the sisters.

"Here I go!" As soon as (L/n) jumped, it was obvious she messed up something.

"Gotcha!" I tackled her and wrapped my arms tightly around her, shielding her as I rolled to a stop.

"What were you thinking, (L/n)?! What if you broke something?! Or worse, cracked your head open?! That was stupid!!" I was so worried it made me mad.

"I've done this before and that's never happened, so I didn't think it would this time."

"It doesn't matter if you've done it before! Your sisters could've lost you! Think about how Etsuko would feel, losing her sissy?! I could've lost one of my closest friends." I buried my face into her shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, Kiri. I didn't think about that. I promise to be more careful."

"Do it for me and your sisters."

⚡️Kaminari Denki:⚡️
I searched desperately for (Y/n). A loud scream drew in my attention. "(Y/n)! I'm coming!"

I arrived just in time to see her get smashed into the ground, she shrieked in pain. I jumped through a wall of electricity that moved like fire and grabbed (Y/n), before she could get hit or slammed again.

She spoke to me quietly. ""

"Hang in there, princess. I'll get you to safety and you'll get the help you need."

She had gripped my jacket, grabbing my attention. "Kaminari, lean down a second."

Looking into her eyes, I shifted her position and leaned closer. "What is it?"

She placed a hand on my face, "Thank you, my brave knight, for rescuing your princess." She pressed her lips to my cheek, making my face burn.

"O-Of course!"

BNHA/MHA Boyfriend Scenarios (REWRITTEN) (ON HIATUS)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें