Kiana froze at the implication as her eyes widened like saucers. "Oh no..."

["Originally Sirin and Bianka were only gonna go as well. But it seems like your family will be joining the two of you. Please wait for them to catch up."] Bronya said.

"Kiana?" Mei looked over at Kiana who slumped slightly while grabbing hold of her face with one hand.

"He is soooooo dead...." Kiana sighed while shaking her head. "I know how mom is, Mei-Senpai. And she is NOT happy with what Bronya said! I know that she's been undergoing some stress because of F/N being gone, but even I can tell that she was losing her patience." She sent her condolences to her brother for angering their mom. However, this is his fault and she didn't feel much remorse for what he's about to deal with. At the same time, this is her mother she's talking about...

"If F/N somehow still wouldn't return home with the two of us. It seems it's guaranteed that he will be returned home now then." Mei looks around as she takes in the nature that surrounds them. "With multiple people crossing into this world, I wonder if we managed to disrupt the deities that live here. Given God's roam this planet after all." She wondered with curiosity and concern at this.

"Well, nothing bad seemed to have happened so far to us." Kiana shrugged at the concern. "Besides! Gods can't be that bad! Venti was nice to talk to. Then again... Venti also said that the Raiden Shogun was quite the tyrant wasn't she?"

Mei closed her eyes at the thought of her alternate self from another world, her doppelganger, to say the least, being a tyrant. It's also amusing that she is the Electro Archon. Quite the parallel to her having been the Herrscher of Thunder. Her eyes looked over at Kiana as she inspected her from up and down.

"What are you doing?" Kiana asked as Mei looked at her. "Right now isn't the time to be checking me out hehe~" She blushed at Mei's gaze. She was delusional but she didn't know that.

"I'm not checking you out." Mei bluntly stated, destroying the Kaslana's delusions with her bluntness. "I was simply curious given Venti said that the Raiden Shogun and I look similar. It makes me wonder how many more alternate selves exist in this world. Especially how your other self would look like."

"Hmm~ Now that you mention it. I am curious myself if I exist in this world too." Kiana hummed as she was now in a thinking pose and a thinking bubble appeared above her head trying to imagine how she would look like. Then a thought occurred in her mind. "Ooh! We can have a fours—MPH!"

Mei quickly shut Kiana up as her hand was on Kiana's mouth and all that came out were muffled noises. Her face was red as her body temperature increased at the lewd words that were gonna come out of Kiana's mouth.

["You know... I never left the call..."] Bronya spoke causing Mei to freeze while Kiana still tried to speak but couldn't because of the hand blocking her mouth.


["This is awkward..."] Bronya mumbled. ["I'm gonna leave now."]

Please do. Mei thought.


"Fontaine?" Nahida looked at the letter in her hand as she opened the envelope that was handed to her. "I wonder how Furina has been. It's been a while since we've met one another." The letter was found by F/N who noticed it was in their mailbox. Given it's from Fontaine, her thoughts immediately went to Furina. She truly does wonder how she's fairing... The handwriting on both the envelope and the letter was recognized immediately. Immediately she perked up at what she would be reading.

"Who's it from?" F/N who was lying down on the couch asked. He didn't look over as he was focused looking at his phone which he held up in the air while tapping frequently. "Dammit, stupid bombs..." A bomb got in his way trying to slice the fruit. Just when he was about to beat his high score too. He frowned as he let out a sigh as he went ahead for round two.

Crossing Through Worlds [GI] [HI3]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin