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"This is so sad"Olivia said watching friends while Caroline sat there crying agreeing with her they were on the were Ross cheated on Rachel.
"How could do that to her"Caroline said feeling a little angry now but still sad.
"Every man is the same"Olivia said before went dark
Olivia open her eyes groaning and she was confused of were she was " Olivia Olivia Olivia" she heard a voice yelling her name.
"Caroline" she said standing up looking around when she finally sees the blonde she to her and hug her.
"Are you ok"she asked her confused friend
"Yea but what are we doing here"Caroline asked confused
"Your her to watch the future"the voice said behind the making them jump .
"Who are you"They asked together
"I'm your son" he said looking at Olivia and she Caroline and looked back him.
"WHAT" she really confused.
The lights turned on and they saw everybody in the room to.
"Guys what are you doing here"Olivia asked them
"We were hanging all of a sudden we are here"Elena said making Tyler,Jeremy nod.
"That happened to us to" she said pointing between her and care .
"I'm just glad you guys are ok"she said hugging them
"Okay guys look around to find away out" the all agreed and started to look around for a way out.
Olivia was looking around and noticed to be she new.
"Aunt Jenna aunt Liz"she said Caroline turned around hearing her mother name and ran to her and Olivia ran to her aunt Jenna.
"And we're Damon and Stefan" they heard voices behind them
After five minutes everybody together.
The five people came out of nowhere and said
"We put you here" the brunette headed girl said "why" Olivia said "we gonna tell you why but we need to bring a few more people" the said looking at the black hair girl she looked at him and closed her eyes we were looking at her confused in till people were in front of us.
"We're am I" Haley said
"What in the bloody hell is going on"Klaus said
"We're are we"Elijah said looking at his brother
"I don't know but I don't have time for it" Rebekah  said looking at her brothers
" who bought us here"Mikealsons said
"We did" the kids said
"And who are you"Elijah said
"Well we're the children of Olivia and Elijah"Eli said
Olivia looked wide eyed and Elijah looked at her  and looked away
"I have five kids" Olivia looking at them
"Well technically you have four I'm the daughter of Klaus and Haley"a red head girl said.
Klaus and Haley  was speechless
"Well since we are all her it's time we introduce are ourselves"
"I'm Eli remy Gilbert-Mikealson the first born" Eli said Jeremy smile because his sister called him remy and Elijah had soft smile on his face.
"I'm Allison cami lena Gilbert - Mikealson I'm second oldest"she said Elena smile softly feeling happy her niece had her name.
"I'm Emily Jenna Liz Gilbert - Mikealson I'm the third oldest"she said Jenna and Liz looked at each other surprised but felt loved.
"I'm Emma Rebekah Hayes Gilbert -Mikealson I'm the youngest and the favorite". She said smiling Olivia looking as if she jus seen herself in her youngest
" and I'm there cousin hope Andrea liv Mikealson"she said not talking her eyes off her mom
"We brought you guys here to watch Olivia Gilbert life"Eli said
"And how it ended" he said looking sad at his mom and that moment everybody looked at her
"Wait what do yo mean end"Jenna said worried
"Yea what do you mean" everybody said looking at her worried
"Everybody clam down plz"Olivia said everyone looked at her with tears in there eyes
"Guys I'm okay I'm fine I'm right here" she said not trying to cry.
"For now"Emma with tears coming down her face olivia went over and hugged her and everybody joined except the Mikealsons and Salvatore since they didn't know them.
"Ok let's get started" hope said wiping her tears

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