Childhood part 2

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Scaramouche's POV


I turn around to see Y/N behind me. I close my book and turn around.

"how are you?", She asks me

"Same as usual how about you?"

"Good! Wanna do something? it's recess after all!"

"I don't know, I usually just read"

"Come on! We are in 4rd grade! we should do something!" "let's enjoy our lives!"

I sigh.

"then what do you want to do?"

"let's go on the swings?"

I start following her to the swings. Her (H/C) is left down. She was wearing a dress as usual. I begin to look around. It doesn't seem there are any accessible swings. I look back at Y/N wind blowing in her hair.


She grabs my hand and starts running. I look down. I grip it tight. As if I never want to let go. As if I never want to leave her. 


As I run with her I feel at peace as if I can be normal. We stop running and go on the swing. Swing high was Y/N and swing low was me. It's not I am scared of heights it's just that I don't like attention. Y/N rambles on and on. I don't mind it. It's fun talking with her. 

"How long has it been since we met?"

"Huh? Oh 3 years"

"I am really glad I met you!"

A smile crept on my face

"Me too, Y/N"

"You should smile more!"


"Yeah! At least do it for me!"

"Alright, I'll do it for you!"

And you only~


Y/N grabs my hand again holding it tight.

"Come on! Today is pizza day, I wanna be first!"

We run to the front of the line.

"You sure run fast"

"You run fast too Kuni!" "This is the first time someone kept up with me!"



As we talk some other kid with ginger hair joins us. 

"Hello Y/N!"

"Should you be in like kindergarten Childe?"

"Childe?", I answer surprised. 

"You finally made a 2nd friend Scara!" "Good job comrade! I won't be your only friend!"

"I told you not to call me that! and I never considered you my friend" "But Kazuha is"

"You guys know each other?", Y/N butts in.


"What do you mean Sadly?"

"Guys SHUT UP! Don't you want pizza?"

Y/N starts looking at us with her puppy dog eyes.

"Yes..." We both reply in sync.

We stay quiet as the other kids line up. We start walking first ones into the building. We grabbed our ID badges and walked down the hallways ( This is how I did it in 4th grade).  We walked silently unlike the other kids who were screaming. As we were walking Childe broke the silence.

𝚆𝚎 𝚖𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗 I Scaramouche x Fem!ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora