Her grandmother watched her excitedly ramble about her day, bringing up every single detail she could think of. Iseul loved talking about her days and grandma loved listening.

Her mindless spewing came to a stop as she had nothing else to talk about. She picked on her grandma's violet skirt as she looked up, "What about you grandma?"

The elder lady just chuckled, finding the question quit amusing. "There's not that much interesting things going on when you're my age." She answered, "Just the usual you know, knitting, drinking tea, sleeping, baking or watching television."

Iseul giggled once again at her grandmother. A funny lady she was. Funny but also wise.

The two sat in a comforting silence, engulfed by a warm breeze and yellow dimmed lights reflecting off of the silky auburn curtains that dangled elegantly, covering the portrait that was displayed outside. The only sound available was a small creak admitting from the ancient rocking chair merged with Isuels soft humming. From the distance, if you listened carefully, you could make out the faintest sound of clinking coming from the kitchen.

"Iseul?" She decided to break the silence.

The girl let out a small hum, feeling a bit worn out after her long day. She raised her head to look at her grandma.

"Do you know what dandelions symbolize?"

"Of course, dandelions are a symbolism of growth, hope and healing." She recalled

"Very well my dear one." She said proudly as she tapped Iseul's nose making her snicker. She let out a deep sigh.

"Always have hope Iseul. The world may drag you down and throw you into the most hopeless situations. It might make you suffer and face the wrath of vicious storms but there will always be a way out when you have hope. When it rains, look for rainbows. When it's dark, look for the stars. You'll learn from this and grown. Once you've mastered all this you'll be able to heal and become who you once we're before or even better."

"No matter how tough it's gets Iseul, never back down. Never doubt yourself. Don't let the criticizer get what they strived for from the start. Do not let the people who have tried to erase you succeed. When they try paint you out of the picture, come back stronger. Paint over them instead, with stronger paint. Make sure you will never become somebody that used to be. Promise me Iseul, that you'll always be."

She peered up at her grandmother, who just sat there smoothing down her shiny hair while staring into space with determination laced through her irises.

Iseul barely nodded. Her grandmothers words had struck her hard, she didn't have anything to say or ask. Everything that she had been meaning to say just vanished into thin air. She felt a lump form in her throat as she struggled to speak.

"Yes grandma," She whispered hoarsely, before nodding her head once more to assure herself this time.

"I promise."

The old lady nodded firmly before reaching out for her tangled yarn to start knitting once more. She glanced over at Iseul, taking in how she was still perceiving what she had just been told.

"Did you know that dandelions can tell you if you're loved back by the person you love?"

Iseul abruptly sat up, her eyes widened as she felt a soft blush cover her cheeks. "Really?" She quickened in a high pitched voice.

Seeing her so caught off guard made her grandma let out a teasing fit of laughter. It wasn't oblivious to her that her granddaughter had a massive crush on her best friend. She had seen it coming the moment they had first met each other. Ever since that day, Iseul couldn't stop blabbering about the cute boy next door.

𝗗𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 | Yang Jungwon Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora