Chapter 2.2: "Your Cheerful Smiles That Put My Heart Back Together One by One."

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Ms.Miya (Yes she isn't a side-character anymore 😭)
Normal Narration

r.Rin / Suna's mom


After an agonizing 3 hours Suna spent crying in his mother's ER office, she finally emerged with some much-anticipated news.

"Suna, sweetie, I have some news for you," his mother started. "Would you like to hear the good news first or-"

Suna, unable to contain his desperation, cut in. "Just tell me how he is! I can't take it anymore."

His mother, understanding the gravity of the situation, swallowed hard. "Okay, Suna. I'll just come out with it. Osamu is still breathing, but he's in a critical condition. You're welcome to check on him, but please be careful not to disturb him during his rest."

Suna felt a mix of emotions wash over him. On one hand, he was relieved to hear that Osamu was alive, but on the other hand, he couldn't shake off the bad vibes from what his mother had said.

His mother continued, "But the bad news is..." Dr. Rin looked down on the ground.

Unable to take the news any longer, Suna forced his mother to look at him. "It's what? Mom, I need to know. Nothing could be worse than not knowing."

Tears began to well up in his Dr. Rin's eyes. "Are you sure you're ready to hear this? I don't want to hurt you any further."

Suna wiped his own tears away, his eyes wide with worry. "Mom, I need to know. I can take it."

Dr. Rin took a deep breath before continuing. "Osamu's condition is.... worse than we thought."

Suna's heart sank, even though he knew that whatever news she had to tell him was not going to be pleasant.

"Do you have any idea how or when this condition started?" Dr. Rin asked him, trying to gather more information about Osamu's condition.

Suna told her everything he knew, including Osamu's recent symptoms and how he refused to go to a hospital.

As Suna spilled the details, Dr. Rin listened intently. "Oh dear, that poor boy. Didn't he realize the intensity of the situation?"

At her question, Suna knew there was no cure for the terminal sickness that took hold of Osamu. A heavy silence filled the room, and Suna felt the weight of the news sink in.

"Mom, tell me there's something that can be done. I can't lose him." Suna pleaded, not caring about the tears that were streaming down his face.

"Sweetie, I'm sorry to say this, but there's nothing we can do. This is a terminal sickness, and we cannot find a way to cure him," Dr. Rin responded, her own tears falling down her cheeks.

Suna tried to process this news, but it felt like his world was crashing down around him. He couldn't imagine his life without Osamu, but it seemed that he would have to face it sooner than he expected.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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